Tim Matthews Voted UK's #1 Trainer For Mums In Online Poll

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Leeds based Tim Matthews named UK's #1 Trainer For Mums in recent online opinion poll.

Results of a brand-new online ballot from which responders were asked to nominate the UK's #1  Trainer For Mums produced what some undoubtedly state was a very foreseeable conclusion, fitness entrepreneur and well know personal trainer Tim Matthews was chosen over any other recognised name in the UK.

The opinion poll and eventually, the naming of UK's #1 Trainer For Mums was founded immediately after an rigorous argument started about just who exactly in the UK would essentially be able to make a claim to that distinction. In an attempt to maintain the poll fair , the opinion poll was conducted on-line and the winner was selected by fitness professionals themselves.

Soon after beginning the opinion poll, there seemed to be a competitive competition for the distinction of  UK's #1 Trainer For Mums, but after the results were counted, there was a very clear and undisputed recipient of the desired title. Subsequently after the opinion poll closed, Tim Matthews was proclaimed as the accepted #1 Trainer For Mums In The United Kingdom.

People questioned about the poll seemed to have split responses to Tim Matthews claiming of the precious title, varying from absolute disbelief that one specific person could be so sought after, to complete agreement over the choice locals had made.

Tim Matthews was most likely identified as UK's #1 Trainer For Mums  by associates in large part due to the body transformations Tim has helped mums achieve. As a well-known Personal Trainer that specialises in training mums to get their bodies back fast, making claim of the formal title was not surprising to a substantial portion of those people who took part.

After the final results were in, Tim was quoted as stating “To be completely honest, I didn’t even realise that there was a survey taking place at all. I’m astonished that many people know of me”!

Matthews was also overheard explaining “My trainers and myself work hard training mums at Fitness4Mum, and am really fired up about what we have taking place in 2015. Hearing that individuals all across the UK have actually identified me as the UK's #1 Trainer For Mums is not just an honor, additionally it is a privilege. Thank you to all personal trainers and my fitness peers that participated in the vote”.

For more information about Tim Matthews & Fitness4Mum, please visit www.fitness4mum.com

Contact Info:
Name: Tim Matthews
Email: Send Email
Organization: Fitness4Mum
Website: http://www.fitness4mum.com

Release ID: 69353

Name: Tim Matthews
Email: Send Email
Organization: Fitness4Mum