Shea Body Butter, has joined its list of all-time bestsellers. The product currently ranks number 6 on the company’s list of top-grossing products. Considering that Shea Body Butter was introduced just a few weeks ago, this is no mean achievement. It demonstrates a top-quality product that’s able to meet users’ expectations, as well as deliver on its promise.
Thermalabs is a leading cosmetics firm based in the United States. The company’s headquarters are located in New York City, but it operates a number of production facilities in other parts of the world. Thermalabs opened its doors nearly three years ago, starting out with a self-tanning lotion that was known as the ‘Gold Standard Tanner’. The product was created from a combination of natural and organic ingredients. It was able to deliver an impressive tan barely 4 hours after being applied on the skin. Considered that most of the existing tanners took up to 6 hours to show results, this was something quite new. Thermalabs, then a little-known startup, was able to highlight the unique benefits of its product over the competition. Following an intensive pre-launch marketing run, Thermalabs pilot product sold over 1000 units within 24 hours on alone.
Thermalabs has today introduced nearly 30 different products. Most of these are tanning lotions and accessories. In recent times, the company appears to be drifting towards beach-related products. Thermalabs introduced its first beach tent in December last year. This is a shielded, extra-comfy tent that served as the ideal spot for beach-goers to hide or relax after spending some fun time in the water. The product kept the occupants’ skin protected from harmful UV radiation from the sun, and was designed to be extremely easy to use.
Thermalabs Shea Body Butter was introduced a few weeks ago under the Supremasea sub-brand. This is a triple moisturizing lotion designed for individuals suffering from stretch marks, dry skin, and scars. It includes a special regimen of Dead Sea salts, combined with conventional ingredients that are known to be highly beneficial for the skin. Thermalabs has been marketing this product for the last few weeks, highlighting its unique benefits and comparing them to the shortcomings of the competition’s products.
Alex Howard, a marketing coordinator at Thermalabs, said, “Barely 7 weeks after we launched our Shea Body Butter formula, we are delighted to say that it’s joined our list of top 10 bestsellers across all marketplaces. This product comes sixth after the likes of Glow2Go, Ultimitt, Original Self Tanner and Beach Tent. This is an extraordinary milestone for a Supremasea product, and it highlights that this formulation is able to deliver on its promise. It’s our goal to design problems that will help our customers overcome various problems. Shea Body Butter not only seems to be headed in the right direction, but it is also setting new bottom-lines for our marketing efforts. It’s setting the way for upcoming Supremasea products…”
Contact Info:
Name: James Crothers
Email: Send Email
Organization: Thermalabs
Address: 450 West 58th Street New York, NY 10019
Phone: (877) 266-6257
Release ID: 134825