The ten best quotes about starting a business

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The ten best quotes about starting a business

No matter what kind of business you're starting, there's one thing that is for sure: it will be hard. It will take blood, sweat, and tears to get through the first year. And if you're wondering about how to start a business, well you can always look at the experts for some advice. Many successful entrepreneurs have offered great advice on what it takes to run a business well — but few have had such an impact on the lives of so many people as Amelia Waislitz.

1. The ten best quotes about starting a business

1. “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” 2. “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” 3.“Find out what you’d rather do than what you should do.” 4. “Do what you love or what you hate.” 5. “If you have a problem in life, a successful business is the thing you can hang your hat on.”
When asked what she advises her daughter to do after graduating from college, Amelia Waislitz answered:
“Find something you might want to do with your life instead of having a Master’s in something you hate.”
According to the quote above, one of the best ways to get what you want in life is to bring nothing into your life that you hate doing. It doesn’t mean you should quit all your hobbies and follow what your great-grandmother said, or get rid of everything you own. Don’t be a jackass. Amelia Waislitz wasn’t looking for fame or for an easy life; she simply wanted a better life for her daughter.
“If you’ve always had the coin and want to spend it, spend it! If you’ve always wanted to be a writer, write! If you’ve always wanted to do something, prove to yourself you can do it, and then do it!”
If you hate your job — change jobs. If you hate cooking — learn to cook. If you hate caring for your kids — have them! If you love theater and dancing but hate marketing — do theater! Keep doing things that make you happy, that make you excited to do something, and then within a year you’ll have a business that you can be proud of.
People usually overlook business because they think it’s in for the long term. But if you don’t get started right away, you’ll never be able to build a business that will give you the life you want.

2. "Whatever you are, be a good one"

Whatever you are, be a good one. If you're a writer, be the best writer you can be. If you're a mother, be the best mother you can be. If you're a business owner, be the best business owner you can be. If you're a son, be the best son you can be.If your goal is to work harder and create the best version of yourself, set high goals as high as you can.
If you need further encouragement, read Amelia on How to Write a Great LinkedIn Article.
And finally, don’t give up! Now is the time to shine. Remember what James Altucher said:
“Be terrible to people until you become incredible to them. Then they won’t mind it when you become unbelievable.”
If you want to make it in this world by succeeding, improving yourself, learning, and growing, the hard way, it starts with you. You have to work hard and take your hard earned lessons to heart.
Aim to be the best version of yourself.

3. "Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won't so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't."

As an entrepreneur, you have to work hard to make a name for yourself and your brand. It’s not an easy process and it can be very stressful.Amelia’s life was a rollercoaster. What started out as an art school teacher turned into her own business — Amelia’s Bagels. An art school dropout, she turned her passion of baking into her own business that sold bakeshop style bagels.
Some people are interested in running their own business, some in starting a side restaurant, and some in just doing a bit of everything. No matter what the path you choose; it can give you tons of joy and trials along the way.
I’m very frugal. As a child, I was always a bit of a cheapskate. I’d grab food from a drive-thru for less than what it cost. Most of the time, I only bought things that I truly needed. However, I think having enough money in the bank stem from this honesty. Spending often makes me happy but thinking carefully before declaring everything I have is a huge habit I formed as I grew up.
Many of my friends had very pragmatic ways of holding down their finances. Here are some things they do while running their businesses:
Okay, so someone with this kind mindset might not be that suitable for you. That’s why I wanted to introduce you to the concept of the Manta Ray. Todd Brison, founder of Blue Apron, used to tuck food into his fleece pajamas for breakfast. He’s caring for his family, but he still uses the money he saves from his food subscription to invest back into his own business.
If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you don’t build your business from zero. You will need money — more than you think.

4. "You are what you repeatedly do."

The best way to keep yourself on track is to create a routine. By doing the same things at the same time every day, you train your brain to get into that routine and do it automatically, and you can do it without even thinking about it.
How do you get started? The first thing is to go over your existing income. This could be a private client or a side hustle, but this is where you get ideas, know where you stand financially, and have a good idea of what you can decrease or increase with a business. In my case, I am involved in two related businesses, so I know my income and expenses. Some people vary things up and get frugal with their expenses, while others reduce expenses until they have a net positive. Once you know the minimum monthly requirements and the expected net income of each side hustle, it’s time to get started. Here are the two that interest me the most.
Deliveroo is a food delivery service that provides food to your door. What is interesting about Deliveroo is the explosive growth in the past five years: at the end of 2020, Deliveroo had 15,000 employees, 150,000 restaurants, and 50+ million riders. Their business has substantial diversification — they work with a wide variety of restaurants and web hosts that also want to add delivery to their offerings.
As a business owner, your income depends on what services you provide as well as the level of your commission. Deliveroo pays 40% commission on food that is $20 and under, and a 45% commission on all food over $20. On top of the listed starting fees, it includes a $100 monthly delivery fee for all orders over $50, an $80 monthly delivery fee for all orders under $50, and an $20 delivery fee for all orders under $20.

5. "The road less traveled can be rough, but it's worth the trip."

It's easy to get into a routine and to stay there. But if you want to really succeed, you need to be willing to go out and try new things. If you're in a rut, try something new. Take a different route to work. Eat something you've never tried before.Try a new place for breakfast. You might land on something you’ve never tried before that changes your life. Don’t stop learning, because listening is just as important as learning. And you’ll never really realize your full potential if you’re stuck in a routine holding life’s cards.
There are a lot of things that people believe are self-evident. And yet, if you asked most people, most people would be hard-pressed to tell you exactly how to start or run a business. But there are certain habits that most successful people have developed that enable them to be productive but not turn into a slave to their routines, or an overwhelmed overwhelmed mess when things get crazy.
Every day I saw people on TV, in movies, or music telling stories of the things they did every single day and what they achieved — and I wanted to be like them. I wanted to be a successful, fulfilled person from day one. People were portrayed as extremely driven and passionate, but the stories didn’t always match up to reality. When you are that driven, passionate, and passionate about something, the routine gets really hard, especially when you don’t have much time to spare.
For these reasons, I wanted to find out how, and stumbled upon a few tips that helped me hit the jackpot on day one. Here are five bits of advice that, I think, will help you, too. I used to think that the key to becoming successful is hustling — but it wasn’t the key for me. I became successful without hustling; I hustled to build momentum and build a business.


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Name: Amelia Waislitz
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Organization: Amelia Waislitz