“Six-year-old artist and programmer from Australia created 7000+ NFTs for Fabulous Avocados, which is currently available for collectors to purchase on OpenSea.”
The figures coming out of the fast-emerging global NFT market are amazing, to say the least, surging over 2,100% to $2 Billion in Q1 sales, according to a recent report by The Wrap.com. In a related development, the concept has caught the attention of stakeholders across different industries looking to leverage its features and benefits, with creators emerging to meet the needs of collectors. However, there seems to be a new kid on the bloc, as Zahra drops the groundbreaking FabCados collection.
The FabCados project started with the desire to explore the digital asset space, with Zahra looking at NFT, Crypto, and digital art creation. Subsequently, she started creating the base layers and modifying the creations using her skills and with the help of her mom and dad, leading to the generation of 7465 unique digital collectibles named FabCados. The collection features amazing avocado-themed creations, as Zahra shows her creativity and ingenuity in each piece.
The over 7k unique NFTs in the FabCados collection are available on OpenSea for collectors and enthusiasts of digital assets worldwide.
For more information about FabCados and the thousands of items in the collection, visit - https://fabcados.com/. FabCados can also be found across social media, including Discord, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
About FabCados
FabCados is an NFT creation by a gifted programmer and artist Zahra, who started her art journey and world of creations at the age of 3. At the age of five, she started developing Math skills and programming, enrolling in a coding course that involves fun and artistic ways to learn coding and develop logical skills, in line with her interest in arts and crafts.
Contact Info:
Name: Zahra Tariq
Email: Send Email
Organization: FabCados (Fabulous Avocados)
Website: https://fabcados.com
Release ID: 89049030