Scientology Volunteer Ministers Cavalcade Unveiled at Savannah Mall, Polokwane: A New Chapter in Community Empowerment

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The Scientology Volunteer Ministers Cavalcade opened its doors at Savannah Mall in Polokwane over the weekend, ushering in a new era of empowerment and practical solutions for the community. The grand opening, attended by 130 people, had a broad cross-section of society.

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers Cavalcade opened its doors at Savannah Mall in Polokwane over the weekend, marking a new era of empowerment and practical solutions for the community. The grand opening, attended by 130 people, drew a diverse audience, including mall management, executives from provincial government departments, religious leaders, business executives, and local residents.

Renowned for its impactful community programs worldwide, the Cavalcade has trained thousands in essential life skills. Its arrival in Polokwane is a milestone, bringing transformative tools directly to the people through free courses, workshops, and practical assistance to uplift and empower individuals and communities. 

Savannah Mall’s management team expressed enthusiasm about hosting the Cavalcade, highlighting its potential to benefit the community.

Three guest speakers — long-time partners and trained volunteers — shared their experiences using the Scientology Tools for Life, created by L. Ron Hubbard, and emphasized the Cavalcade's importance for Polokwane.

Ms. Johanna Moloto, a community development professional from the Gauteng Provincial Government, was the first to speak. Originally from Limpopo, she shared how she trained 200 people as Volunteer Ministers, leading to economic upliftment through small businesses. “I invite everyone in Polokwane to discover how the Tools for Life can empower you to create a better future,” she urged.

Dr. Isaac Ledwaba, Vice Chancellor of a local Bible College and regional head of the Zion Christian Church (ZCC) in Polokwane, followed with a passionate address. Overseeing 200 church branches and 50,000 members, he highlighted the Tools for Life's role in the religious sector. “These tools help us provide real solutions, uplifting people in their hardest moments,” he noted. At his college, over 300 students have been trained, equipping future ministers with essential skills.

Ms. Maureen Delekisa, Senior Director in the Limpopo Provincial Department of Social Development, concluded the speeches by sharing how the Tools for Life revolutionized her efficiency at work. Inspired by the tools, she trained unemployed community members, leading to agricultural projects that provide income and food to local families. “I encourage everyone to take advantage of these tools,” she said. “They are key to building stronger communities and overcoming poverty.”

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers have a proven track record in over 120 countries, providing disaster relief and establishing long-term community development programs in disadvantaged areas. Their commitment to practical, effective tools for life helps build stronger, more resilient communities globally.

The event culminated in a ceremonial ribbon-cutting, greeted by enthusiastic applause. Attendees quickly filled the tent for an impromptu workshop, eager to learn the solutions endorsed by the speakers.

As a symbol that "Something Can Be Done About It," the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Cavalcade is ready to support Polokwane in achieving its fullest potential.

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This content is reviewed by our News Editor, Hui Wong.

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