San Diego Homecare, Senior Caregiver Agency Shares Tips for Safety Month

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San Diego Homecare Agency provides advice for seniors to stay safe. Offers free online needs assessment to help families understand senior care options.

Firstat Nursing Services, a San Diego Homecare, Senior Caregiver Agency supports National Safety Month by publishing, “3 Ways to Make Life Safer and Happier for Senior Citizens.”

Linnea Goodrich, president of Firstat Nursing Services says, “Family members can help their loved ones stay safe and make the best of their golden years by providing assistance in several ways.” Here are three ways to make life safer and happier for senior citizens.

Cyber Security for Senior Citizens – Seniors are one of the most often targeted age-groups for cyber-crime. The Internet is a wonderful advantage, and being online is a part of modern social culture. For seniors, it can also mean a greater level of interaction with distant family members. For many, online access helps seniors stay in touch, view pictures, connect with long-lost friends, even make new ones.

An online presence can also help seniors keep their medical information organized, and manage medical appointments, even obtain prescriptions easier.

However, there are risks associated with online accounts. Senior citizens are often more trusting and less apt to question what seems to be legitimate online. It is important for family members to be sure that their elderly loved ones understand the dangers of sharing personal information online. Family members should ensure that seniors understand the risks. Encourage them to create strong passwords that are unique. And always remind them of the dangers of unsolicited emails.

Outdoor Safety – Spending time outside in the fresh air and sunshine with friends is one of the best ways to fight off the effects of isolation and depression. However, being outside creates its own set of concerns that need to be addressed to keep elderly loved ones safe and healthy. Every season has its own issues that can create problems for the elderly. Family members should make sure elderly loved ones understand the pitfalls of summer and avoid being outside in the hot sun and the importance of staying hydrated.

While water is important, it isn’t the only consideration. When we sweat we lose important electrolytes, and senior citizens are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of such losses. When enjoying the outdoors, seniors should be sure to drink products designed to re-hydrate and replace lost salt and potassium their bodies require to stay healthy.

Home Safety – The place seniors feel most comfortable and feel safest is often the place they are the least safe – at home. Slip and falls are only one of the many dangers seniors face in their beloved homes. Family members can help seniors remain safe by getting help from a qualified home nursing company.

Having in-home care can promote safety by having a trained professional available to check in on seniors. A home care provider can check the home to make sure locks on all of the doors and windows work properly, alarm systems are operational and teach seniors how to use preventative measures to prevent intrusions. Home nursing is as much about personal safety and health as it is medical care. While in-home care will certainly involve making sure the senior is on top of their medical needs and providing checkups that are related to their physicians as needed, they will also include help with personal hygiene on a regular basis.

People wanting to learn more about Firstat Nursing Services are encouraged to call 619-220-7600 or visit to pick up a copy of this free guide, Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Hire a Home Care Provider.

About Firstat Nursing Services

Linnea Goodrich is the owner of Firstat Nursing Services, which is the only Home Care Agency in San Diego that is both State licensed and certified by the Alzheimer's Association.  Firstat Nursing Services has been providing a higher standard of home nursing, home health and home care services for elderly, disabled and injured people in the greater San Diego area since 1997.

To learn more, pick up a copy of this free guide, Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Hire a Home Care Provider, just call 619-220-7600 or visit

Firstat Nursing Services

411 Camino del Rio South, Suite 100

San Diego, CA 92108


Contact Info:
Name: Linnea Goodrich
Phone: 619-220-7600
Organization: Firstat Nursing Services

Source URL:

Release ID: 209861