Rino Jonay Reviews American Politics and the President with Scathing Wit and Sarcasm, Reveals the Pure Truth

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The new book presents the big picture of America today with a critical look at its leadership.

Entrepreneur, producer and author Rino Jonay was once a big supporter of US President Donald Trump. Today, he has many regrets, and has come out with a scathing and biting review of Trump in the recently published book, “Idiot#1: ... the chosen one!” This work is a must read for anyone who wants to see the big picture, and more importantly, see the truth as it is, uncovered from beneath layers of media hype and marketing gimmicks.

The title of the work follows from a funny fact. Anyone who would Google up the word ‘Idiot’ in the images section would see on top images of Donald J. Trump. This was embarrassing enough, and even Google had to submit an explanation. Beyond the fun, one is not surprised today that it sent out a very apt message.

Rino Jonay once owned a restaurant in Los Angeles and considered Trump to be almost an angel, his hero. A few bad experiences and the subsequent events, followed by the elections and the eventual performance of Trump has led him to abandon these sentiments and face the truth.

In “Idiot#1: ... the chosen one!” the reader will discover the real truth, and how destructive some people can be. They would find out how idols overtake people’s imagination, and then get destroyed by their own antics. They would find out the lies from the truth, the insensitiveness that lies underneath posturing, the grossly exaggerated “achievement” and contributions, and how an economy has been mismanaged until now. Lastly, the Covid-19 epidemic and the horrible response and management that has cost many lives.

“The question that this wonderfully informational book seeks is, “When will enough be enough?” The answer is that the American public needs to remain inquisitive and know the truth about the idiot that we have occupying the highest office in our country,” says Rino Jonay.

Among other things, readers will discover some background information, the close ties with Russia, the narcissistic personality traits, the closeness to right wing movements, and more.

“Actually one could call this book nothing but the pure truth; a very good book which I can only recommend,” says a recent reader.

Delivered with humor, wit and sarcasm, “Idiot#1: ... the chosen one!” informs and entertains like no other recent work. The work is available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback editions.

Contact Info:
Name: Rino Jonay
Email: Send Email
Organization: Rino Jonay
Website: http://www.rinojonay.com

Release ID: 88980297

Name: Rino Jonay
Email: Send Email
Organization: Rino Jonay