No Sweat Plugins Re-launches Popular WP Internal Links Plugin

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Internal Links Plugin allows WordPress site owners to easily add silos and other internal linking structures to their websites, reports

When search engine optimization (SEO) is discussed, talk usually focuses on getting links from outside sources. Recently, however, the importance of on-site factors has surged into site owners' awareness. On-site factors involve things like the titles of pages, headlines and subheadings in the content, and how the various pages of a site link to each other.

Interlinking a site's pages has often been problematic because it can become tedious and confusing very quickly. As a site grows, each new page has to be linked to from some others so that both visitors and search engine spiders can find the new content. How this is done turns out to be important; a page linked to only from the site's navigation bar or footer isn't given as much credibility as one that's linked to from within the content of other pages on the site. Unfortunately, when a site has become large, it's hard to keep up with all of the link placements. New pages don't get linked to, and if an old page drops off, forgotten links to its old location often remain.

This problem is what is addressed by the newly-relaunched WP Internal Links Plugin by No Sweat Plugins. The plugin places links to related content on the operator's own site to create themed or siloed link structures. Siloing refers to the practice of keeping pages on a site organized by subject. This is believed to help with search engine rankings.

"Unlike other internal linking plugins, our Internal Links Plugin doesn't just show related posts in the footer, where they'll be almost ignored by Google. Instead, it puts the links in the content, which is the most powerful placement for SEO purposes," said Mikel Perez of No Sweat Plugins. "Our new version does more than just basic links, too. It allows for linking to any content type on the user's blog, allows users to select specific linking structures, and the ability to customize the text that introduces the links." Check the No Sweat WP Internal Links plugin here to learn more.

Unlike most company sites, No Sweat Plugins doesn't limit its recommendations to its own products. View No Sweat Plugin's SEO plugins list to see options like WP SEO Ninja and WordPress SEO by Yoast, which are made by outside firms but are too good to ignore. "We focus on highlighting WordPress plugins because WordPress is the most popular platform for building sites," said Perez. "While it's still possible to make a site using some other platform or even from plain old HTML, most people love the convenience of being able to pop a WP site online without much thought to the backend. Adding plugins makes it even better."

About No Sweat Plugins

No Sweat Plugins produces and distributes both free and paid plugins for improving WordPress onsite SEO, simplifying the production of content, adjusting site settings, and adding social capabilities. These plugins make it simple to perform tasks that would otherwise be tedious or prone to error. Visit No Sweat Plugin's homepage to see all of the available options.

Contact Info:
Name: Mikel Perez
Email: Send Email
Organization: No Sweat Plugins
Phone: +34 658 710 556

Release ID: 58668

Name: Mikel Perez
Email: Send Email
Organization: No Sweat Plugins