Groom And Style Expands To Provide Broader Lifestyle Recommendations With All New Content and Guides

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Groom And Style is a website that has specialized in male grooming products, and has now created a huge expansion into a broad range of lifestyle products, replete with a new website architecture.

Groom and Style first started life as a blog sharing experiences from multiple perspectives on men’s grooming products. It quickly became very popular because of its variety of distinct voices, and this popularity exploded when they started creating formal product reviews. After the success of Reviews on Groom And Style, the website has gone through massive renovation and is now catering to more niches than ever before.

The new sections on the website include fitness, style, home and garden, hair and beauty, and more. Despite the massive expansion, the tone, perspective and attitude of the site has not changed, offering incisive and no-nonsense advice on a huge range of items, making recommendations and even condemning products that fail to achieve what they should.

The new website architecture makes this mass expansion of content easily comprehensible, with dedicated category sections which can be selected to display only relevant content, as well as a ‘latest posts’ round up on the front page to enable people to keep abreast of the latest releases. The website has become more than a blog now, and aims to be a thriving community.

A spokesperson for GroomNStyle explained, “In truth the posts we make on our site are only half the story, and it’s in the comments sections where things really get interesting. We encourage debate, dissent and open discussion about the products and we understand that while our view comes from one of experience and insight, it’s not immutable. The point of our site is to allow people to find great products, and if someone wants to go to bat for something they think is great, we’re happy to see them do that. All our readers, and commenters, and even writers, make up their own minds, and that’s why the site is so unique.”

About Groom And Style: Groom And Style is a website committed to providing honest and actionable consumer advice on all things relating to grooming, style and fashion. The aim and hope of this website is to give users as much forthright information as possible so that individuals can find the best fashion, fitness, home and garden, and hair and beauty products available on the market today.

Contact Info:
Name: Joe Bragg
Email: Send Email
Organization: Brandoutreach
Phone: (415) 632 1664

Release ID: 91070

Name: Joe Bragg
Email: Send Email
Organization: Brandoutreach