Prices for typically insured dental procedures do not differ greatly between dental clinics. Almost all dentists in Ontario follow the Ontario Dental Association (ODA) Fee guide to assign prices because dental insurance companies reimburse based on the guide. For procedures typically not covered by insurance, such as teeth whitening or dental implants, there is a greater variety in pricing from dentist to dentist.
Despite dental prices being consistent across the province, dental costs vary greatly for patients because of the differential number and extent of procedures they are subjected to. In the same study by Smile Care Dental, they found dental costs varied from $193 to $1650 per patient per year.
Smile Care Dental, a practice run by compassionate husband-and-wife dentists conducted a study of 351 dental clinics involving half a million patients and found that over 50 percent of patients’ dental costs were excessive. Spending excessively on dental care means patients are being subjected to unnecessary, costly dental procedures and reduced dental health.
The study confirms another investigation about dental costs conducted by the CBC which found that 40 percent of the dentists consulted recommended dental care significantly beyond what was necessary for the patient. While the correct amount of treatment should have amounted to $1,900 for a given procedure, there was a range of $144 to $11,900 in the recommended dental costs.
To avoid paying excess costs for dental care, patients should look for quality, compassionate dental care. While some dental offices may offer enticing rates below the recommended price level by the ODA, patients risk being subjected to unnecessary procedures and costs over time. The ideal dentist is compassionate, knowledgeable, skilled and dedicated to upholding the best interests of every patient at each visit.
Contact Info:
Name: Dr. Adam Szymczak
Email: Send Email
Organization: Smile CareDental
Address: 209 Pinebush Rd. Unit #7, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Phone: 519-740-3884
Release ID: 89050583