Church of Scientology Hosts "Cops and Clergy" Working Together to Address Violent Crime and Gun Violence

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The Church of Scientology hosted “Cops and Clergy” featuring successful programs in Washington, DC, that are helping to address violence.

In a movement to fight violent crime, police and clergy are partnering to work together to address issues that lead to crime.

The old African proverb that “it takes a village to raise a child” has been quoted by many. The concept of it taking many different people to accomplish one goal might also be true in the handling of crime, as demonstrated by national Faith & Blue activities. The Faith & Blue initiative is making safer and stronger communities by engaging law enforcement officers and local residents through the connections of their faith-based organizations.

In Washington, DC, Commander James Boteler of the Third District Police Department has taken the Faith & Blue program to heart and spearheaded a Cops and Clergy Walk. Each month a faith institution hosts the police and the community to join them in promoting public safety and thereby lowering levels of crime.

Commander Boteler shared his vision in October 2023 at the Washington, DC, Faith & Blue Breakfast, stating, “We’ve been working in silos to fix problems…. Crime feels different today…. There is a sense of urgency…. It is changing people’s perspective…. People used to worry about crime ‘over there’ and now it’s on their doorstep…. This changes their perspective…. So, now more than ever the opportunity for Faith & Blue to come together, to create, to have faith in the blue by partnering with pastors, reverends, rabbis and imams and work alongside of us is vital.”

The Founding Church of Scientology recently hosted Commander Boteler’s Cops and Clergy event in Washington, DC. Due to extreme heat the church opted not to have the usual “walk,” and held the event in their chapel. In the spirit of getting to know each other better and sharing with other faiths, the community and the police, the church introduced the guests to some of their successful outreach programs including the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, Youth for Human Rights, The Way to Happiness, and the Volunteer Ministers program. The event opened with a prayer, followed by remarks from Commander James Boteler and Assistant Chief Robinson.

Rev. Susan Taylor, President of the Founding Church of Scientology, followed with a brief history of the Church of Scientology in the District of Columbia, their faith principles, and Founder L. Ron Hubbard. She then introduced everyone to each of the church’s social betterment programs. The presentation ended with a video showing of the Voices for Humanity Scientology TV show highlighting the work of the Honorary Dr. Warees Majeed, one of DC’s most active crime reduction advocates and his use of The Way to Happiness materials in his program throughout the city.

Commander Boteler thanked the Church of Scientology and emphasized the mission of Faith & Blue and the importance of working together, saying, “MPD’s 3rd District was blessed to join the Church of Scientology as part of our broader 3D Cops & Clergy Coalition Partnership. This was a special opportunity for fellowship, prayer and our collective stand against violent crime and gun violence. A special thanks to the church for always supporting us in our efforts to send a loud and clear message that the violence in our community must stop. This event was an opportunity for us to reflect on our collective efficacy and recommit ourselves to the greater good of supporting community though street ministry and outreach efforts. The food, the company and the guest speakers were absolutely phenomenal and I again thank you for the hospitality you showed us all. We truly are ‘Stronger Together.’”

The Council of Criminal Justice (CCJ) announced in June 2024 that “Homicide and most other violent crimes have dropped to or slightly below levels seen before the onset of the COVID pandemic.”

About Us: The Church of Scientology National Affairs Office was established to address and promote collaboration on solutions and forward public policy to challenging social issues through Church-supported secular humanitarian and social betterment programs that address literacy, drug education and rehabilitation, criminal rehabilitation, human rights education, disaster response and morality.

Contact Info:
Name: Sue Taylor
Email: Send Email
Organization: Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
Address: 1701 20th St NW
Phone: 202-667-6404

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Release ID: 89141488

Name: Sue Taylor
Email: Send Email
Organization: Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
Address: 1701 20th St NW
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