Brooke Carlock's Personal Journey Through Unimaginable Loss

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“Grief Sucks (But Your Life Doesn't Have To)” - A Story of Resilience, Healing, and Humor

In the span of just eighteen months, Brooke Carlock faced the kind of tragedy that would understandably break many: the loss of her dad from a heart attack, mom to cancer, stepmom to suicide, and her beautiful 10 year-old daughter Libby in a horrific car accident. It’s a sequence of events that reads more like a cruel twist of fate than real life. Yet, it is Carlock’s real life, and from the depths of this profound grief, she has crafted something truly impactful. Her book, Grief Sucks (But Your Life Doesn't Have To), is more than a guide through grief; it's a raw, deeply personal account of her journey to find laughter and purpose in the pain. 

Unlike any other resource on grief, Carlock’s book is infused with her spirit—vulnerable, raw, and surprisingly humorous. It’s this unique perspective, born from her own harrowing experiences, that sets her work apart. She doesn’t just speak about grief from the outside looking in; she invites readers into her world, sharing the lessons she’s learned with a blend of candor and wit that only someone who has walked through fire can offer. 

“I’m just a normal person who has had to endure the unimaginable,” Carlock shares. “I realized that if I could find moments of humor and hope despite my grief, then maybe I could help others do the same,” Carlock shares. 

What Makes Brooke’s Story Different: 

  • She’s Relatable: Brooke Carlock was living a life familiar to many, as a suburban middle school teacher and mom of three, until tragedy struck not once, but four times over. She’s managed to turn her grief journey into a powerful message of hope, proving that even in our lowest points, we can find strength and even laughter. 
  • A Guide That Feels Like a Friend: Carlock’s approach to discussing grief is like sitting down with a friend who understands deep loss. Her vulnerability in sharing her journey, combined with her distinctive humor, offers comfort and camaraderie to those feeling isolated in their sorrow.

“In a sea of grief books, Grief Sucks (But Your Life Doesn't Have To) is the Coast Guard," notes Elizabeth Kupferman, RN, LPC, and author of The Irreverent Grief Guide. “This book will not only help you feel seen and heard, but gives you tools, insights and plans that can get you from the lost and utterly broken griever to the resilient griever. This book is a triumph.” 

Available April 2, 2024, Carlock’s guide is a testament to the transformative power of personal tragedy. It’s an essential read for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of grief with honesty, laughter, and hope. 

Brooke welcomes inquiries for interviews, guest blogging, articles, and collaborations. Email or visit Full press kit available HERE

Contact Info:
Name: Brooke A Carlock
Email: Send Email
Organization: Mourning Coffee Press

Release ID: 89124995

Name: Brooke A Carlock
Email: Send Email
Organization: Mourning Coffee Press
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This content is reviewed by our News Editor, Hui Wong.

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