BrikBit Is The Futuristic Resource For Current Global Real Estate Operations

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BrikBit premiers a well structured decentralized real estate platform that offers blockchain technology and competent integration of real estate technology.

The real estate sector has been reshaped over the next few years by the appliance of decentralized technology, thanks to the ease it provides when it comes to raising resources and the broad market it puts within reach. Under an innovative concept, BrikBit’s primary goal is to inject potential and liquidity in the form of digital assets by creating a new set of opportunities for real fundraising, conceding the market to be much broader.

Unlike the methods employed by the centralized industry and traditional approach, with this new platform, the raising of capital acquires a universal quality so that people from all over the world can invest using a standard circulation. Hence when acquiring virtual assets, the users -whether they are real estate professionals, investors or enthusiasts- are going to be contributing to building real-life estate properties.

Real Estate’s Opportunity For Innovation

This decentralized real estate project aims to become the ultimate alternative for investment, setting aside the need for capital risk: it consists of collecting funds in a similar way to crowdfunding, through general participation.

In this way, the virtual infrastructure grants the market players to split the value of the property among all investors who receive unique and irreproducible assets, which cannot be corrupted or duplicated illegitimately. Whoever owns an individual amount can trade it for fiat funds or another liquid asset.

If the user decides not to exchange it, they will receive the fruit of the rent that accrues from the property. If the price of the property rises, so does the corresponding token. In short, BrikBit’s self-developed environment will optimize and turn resources into tangible business opportunities with high financial benefits in both short and long-term.

Digital Share’s Core Engine

BrikBit is the first decentralized ecosystem that makes and manages operations for real estate enterprises. Inside the BrikBit platform, all players involved can use the features of advanced technology to automate their business strategies, making all the actions required throughout real state negotiations more transparent. This spectrum includes fund collection, design, creation, and management. Each of the real estate projects will have an algorithmic meaning within the BrikBit scheme; which has its own rules and features.

The effort from the team of developers and experts has earned the platform becoming the first of its branch to join Lisk's platform; this merit allows software products (Dapps) to develop within their JavaScript programming language; with the purpose of implementing a greater range of tools and services to the real estate community.

According to the information contained in the Whitepaper (available in 9 major languages), once released for the public, the BrikBit environment is set to provide an open source code with a permissionless access system, yielding a full and transparent visibility of all data recorded along the protocol, supporting user verification of different transactions carried out, whether exchange, sale or withdraw. In short, the information registered into the BrikBit system is contemplated, besides being immutable, as a reliable and precise profit.

Part of the elements inside the ecosystem are

REDA -Real Estate Digital Asset (REDA) is the digital representation of objects and main features of real-life properties, proportioning new opportunities for all investors in the real state industry, securing a safe, univocal, versatile and efficient process.

BRIK - Powered by one of the most popular protocols in the decentralized industry, BRIK is the fungible utility asset that facilitates the services within BrikBit Digital Shares Platform as well as to implement REDA, REDApps, and automatized agreements. BRIKs will also be used to pay transactional fees.

Reda, Dapps and Redapps -The need for a transparent and unamendable mechanism to exchange information and value in Real Estate adheres to the creation of a distributed digital platform and dedicated applications. The REDAs represent the “core” of the online software and guarantees the data administration included in Real Estate processes, providing the Framework to identify the expressed value of the REDA.

Official dates

The tool K.Y.C (Know Your Customer) is now available o users who wish to join the Whitelist. The start of the public offering of BRIK assets -that will be available for immediate use- is scheduled for November 29th.

For direct contact with the team visit links below




Contact Info:
Name: Brikbit
Email: Send Email
Organization: Brikbit Digital Shares
Address: Chiasso, Switzerland

Release ID: 462429

Name: Brikbit
Email: Send Email
Organization: Brikbit Digital Shares
Address: Chiasso, Switzerland