WordPress Demo is a website created by WordPress experts to keep their finger on the pulse of WP developments, announcing and reviewing their new releases, letting people know what’s in store for upcoming versions, what the best hosting is for WordPress sites and more. The site even includes tutorial information for those new to blogging to get started in the right way.
From their WordPress Tutorial to their round up of the Best WordPress Themes, the site keeps a clear and consistent tone that is light-hearted but informative, and has a beautiful presentation that aims to showcase some of the best features for WordPress based online magazine to make use of.
A spokesperson for WordPress Demo explained, “WordPress Demo is a great new center for the WordPress community to find out about what’s happening now and what’s just around the corner. We also provide a huge amount of resources for people who are just starting out, helping them pick a killer theme and giving them expert tips on how to make content that people will love to read and share. We’ve had our team working around the clock to launch with a huge array of content, so we’re confident we have the answer almost any question a user might have.”
About WordPress Demo: WordPress Demo is an amazing all in one online resource center about all things WordPress related, including the best WordPress themes, tutorials, and tips. They write articles that new and existing bloggers will find helpful. They rank the best WordPress themes, plugins, and hosting companies. The blog is constantly updated by an expert team of writers.
Contact Info:
Name: Joe Bragg
Email: Send Email
Organization: Brandoutreach
Phone: (415) 632 1664
Website: http://www.wordpressdemo.com/
Release ID: 87168