Vouch Secures Escrow Transactions with Comprehensive Audit by QuillAudits

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Vouch, an app leveraging Optimism blockchain technology, underwent a thorough security audit by QuillAudits, ensuring robustness in escrow transactions for gig-based marketplaces.

Vouch, an app that rewards connections and helps users Earn by linking friends to complete gigs effortlessly, has undergone a security audit by QuillAudits, a smart contract security firm.

Using Optimism blockchain technology, Vouch is designed to enhance the efficiency and security of escrow transactions in gig-based marketplaces. Aimed at automating the escrow process, the contract is a decentralized intermediary that securely holds funds until predefined conditions are met. This approach minimizes trust issues between parties in gig transactions, providing a more reliable and transparent payment method.

Vouch is more than a platform; it's an ecosystem where connections pay off. Users earn by linking friends to gigs and streamlining social referrals. It enables entrepreneurs, creators, freelancers, students, professionals, and small businesses to thrive by fostering relevant collaborations and enhancing peer-to-peer transaction transparency through blockchain-based reviews.

QuillAudits doesn't just perform basic code checks; their auditing method involves multiple layers, creating a robust defense for smart contracts.

The quillAudits audit process was exhaustive and meticulous, focusing on various critical aspects to ensure the utmost security and efficiency:

  • Overall Code Quality and Best Practices: Ensuring the code meets the highest quality standards and incorporates industry best practices.
  • Code Documentation: Verifying that documentation and comments accurately reflect the logic and intended behavior of the code.
  • Token Distribution and Calculations: Confirm that all token-related operations align with the specifications outlined in the whitepaper.
  • Compliance with ERC-20 Standards: Checked the implementation of ERC-20 token standards to ensure compatibility and functionality within the Ethereum ecosystem.
  • Gas Efficiency: Analyzing smart contracts for efficient gas usage and identifying opportunities for optimization to minimize transaction costs.
  • Security Against Vulnerabilities: To protect users and funds, safeguard the code against common vulnerabilities, such as re-entrancy attacks.

QuillAudits employed a combination of structural analysis, static and manual code reviews, and gas consumption analysis, utilizing tools like Hardhat and Foundry to conduct a comprehensive audit. This process confirmed the security and efficiency of Vouch's smart contracts and provided valuable insights for further optimization and improvement.

About Us: Owning something on the internet has emerged as a core new concept. We see Web3 as the next internet iteration with decentralisation at its core. But businesses are sceptical about BUIDLING in Web3 due to underlying security concerns. We believe businesses can BUIDL and GROW in Web3 with a product that people want— and that can be done “SECURELY”. And we make it possible with our extensive security practices, an ecosystem of Web3 security tools, and a community of security professionals.

Contact Info:
Name: QuillAudits
Email: Send Email
Organization: QuillAudits
Website: https://www.quillaudits.com/

Release ID: 89127360

Name: QuillAudits
Email: Send Email
Organization: QuillAudits
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This content is reviewed by our News Editor, Hui Wong.

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