According to a recent survey conducted by Prudential Financial, 44% of those surveyed said they planned to never invest in stocks again, citing heavy losses in the past as a reason for pulling out of the market. Never, says Keith Baxter of Trader News and Reviews, an online review site of stock, options and commodity trading systems and services, is bit long. —
"People make decisions from fear and lack of education." Says Baxter. With that in mind, his site aims to help educate consumers on the best tools for investing. "We have launched a new Plus500 review which covers the features, advantages and drawbacks of using an in-house trading platform. It's a good read for anyone considering getting back into the stock market, doing the research on the various tools so they feel knowledgeable once again. It's truly not feasible to think never investing again is the answer to your long-term goals. What investors need to do is read up on the options available to them and then make an informed decision"
Baxter advises investors to remember investing is for the long-term, not just the next quarter. Says Baxter, "At Trader News and Reviews, we have many posts on the different products a consumer can invest in to give him the edge in the stock market. Some are worth the money and some are not. It's up to the consumer to find the ones that are worth their investment. We offer unbiased reviews to help give investors an edge and confidence in their decisions."
Other reviews posted recently on the site include one on Zone Options. Baxter comments, "Our review of their trading software platform TechFinancials, introduces a very promising new company not widely used in the industry. It's quite timely, however, because Zone Options offers a way for newbies to overcome their biggest fear, which is losing their initial investment. So, those who want to address this fear could learn a lot by reading this review."
"If you're under 45 years old, you are likely to see many more recessions, bear and bull markets in the future. By investing wisely, waiting out the bad times and not jumping to rash decisions like never investing again, you can still make money and find the stock market to be a lucrative investment for your future. The key is not to give up on it."
About Gibble LLC:
Trader News and Reviews is an online review site for stock, options, and commodity trading systems and services. It features reviews of software, systems and platforms for consumers seeking additional information before committing.
Contact Info:
Name: Keith Baxter
Email: Send Email
Organization: Gibble LLC
Phone: 8322017847
Release ID: 19157