Re-Imagine Marketing is the creative-first digital marketing agency for people who want more

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Founders of Re-Imagine Marketing, sisters Molly and Connie Sishton, have spoken about how they launched the business and the creative-first nature of the company.

Re-Imagine Marketing is a new Cardiff-based business founded by two sisters, Molly and Connie Sishton. In an interview, they have spoken about how and why they started the business and their vision for the future.

Speaking about how she got into business, Molly says:

“I always kind of knew that the end goal was to run my own business, so I spent time learning from my employers and the contacts I made in the digital marketing space.

The decision to move fully into running my own agency came from a build-up of frustration at being micromanaged at work and not having the freedom to implement marketing strategies that would actually work for fear of changing systems that were doing OK and had been in place for 10+ years.

But, really? Who is happy with OK?

Fast forward to 2 years of going it alone with the support of freelancers as demand for my services grew and grew, we welcomed Connie to the team - an absolute godsend. We then co-founded Re-Imagine together."

Connie adds:

"When we started together, it became clear my experience in creative arts and events perfectly complemented Molly’s strategic brilliance - and it just clicked! We recognise each other's strengths and are honest about our weaknesses, and that’s why I think it works so well.

Within a year, we grew from simple copywriting tasks to developing full digital marketing strategies. The excitement that we felt on day 1 continues and is behind every project, from conception to completion, and it’s that which drives every decision that we make...and I’m sure it will continue to be what guides us in future.”

Re-Imagine Marketing was launched as a "creative-first" digital marketing agency. Speaking about this, Connie says that "we 100% believe it’s better to be different [...] the biggest thing we’ve learnt is that in everything we do, even through to the nitty-gritty tech of SEO, it’s important to be creative and always let that shine through.”

Expanding on the idea of bringing SEO and creative together, Molly says that brand building, social media, and influencer marketing, "all of those things that encourage people to search in the first place" are what matters.

Connie says: “We don’t just want to place our clients at the top of search results for terms such as ‘best hair dryers’. Re-Imagine gets people to WANT to search for airwrap technology hair dryers. Social, PR, Influencer Marketing are a huge part of SEO. because they get people to search. This is our creative-first approach to digital marketing.”

As founders of a small agency, the sisters are aware that they face a lot of competition but are confident about finding their place in the market. Molly says, “One thing that really frustrates me, and always has is long drawn out processes for getting things done. From my experience, many agencies lack speed and urgency. In the digital marketing world, you need to have your finger on the pulse constantly, or the opportunity is lost. With Covid, our small team meant we could be agile and reactive!”

The agency is currently hiring for a number of new positions. Molly stresses that "when hiring we will make sure all personalities fit with our culture and ambitions. We have set processes which each team member follows!”

“Too many marketing agencies look, sound, and act the same! It’s our goal to keep our quirks, stand out and ultimately be different. We will keep this with us as we continue to grow," Connie adds.

Contact Info:
Name: Molly Sishton
Email: Send Email
Organization: Re-Imagine Marketing
Address: 85 Westville Road, Cardiff, CF23 5DF
Phone: 07879818887

Release ID: 89031359

Name: Molly Sishton
Email: Send Email
Organization: Re-Imagine Marketing
Address: 85 Westville Road, Cardiff, CF23 5DF