New Website Targets the Rich and Luxury With a Twist of Humor for Young Men

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Santa Monica, CA - A new website aims to answer a need that most people may not know exists: identifying the best luxury spots and items for the richest of the rich. The site especially caters to young men, many of whom have accumulated wealth on their own, rather than growing up in well-heeled families.

Kory Alden of WLTH, the company that owns the site, acknowledges it's a problem more people wish they had. "Sure, not everyone has more money than they know what to do with. It's a very elite group. But all of us, if we were in that situation, we would want to enjoy our money and use it to improve our quality of life. After all, you only live once."

Alden said that one of the site's goals is to reach younger people who are newly rich. "They don't know what's out there. We give them direction about where to vacation, expose them to the most expensive cars and toys, so they can make the most of their wealth."

The site provides information on luxury items and services from yachts, airplanes, and cars, to the most popular chefs and spas. "The real question," said Alden, "is not whether money can buy happiness, but what can it buy that creates amazing experiences and memories. Our job is to help answer that question, whether the person loves fast cars or excellent food or spectacular beach getaways."

Users of the site come from different arenas, according to Alden. Some are entrepreneurs, others are successful investors, and others are celebrities. "Celebrity net worth has increased exponentially in a few generations, and often these people don't come from a privileged background. They're suddenly in a position where they have an enormous amount of disposable income, and they want to play with it."

The site also incorporates humor aimed at young men, who are the primary demographic. Alden explains that many of the newly wealthy are twenty and thirty-something men. "We're almost as much about entertaining them as about showing them the best of the best. They want to see beautiful women, so we give them pictures of beautiful women in spectacular beach locations. They want to laugh at both their own wealth and the older generation of super-rich. If you're newly rich, it seems almost surreal sometimes."

The site also covers business topics, technology, and politics. "We do have a more serious side," said Alden. "People want to be informed, and we provide articles that keep them up with trends and issues that are of interest to our users."

With 10,000 Twitter followers, it seems likely that the site also appeals to many people who are not among the richest of the rich, at least not yet. "A lot of people love to live vicariously, imagining what their lives could be like," Alden said. "It's like window shopping for a whole lifestyle."

About WLTH

WLTH produces informative and entertaining articles, videos, blogs and other content for people with high net worth, particularly young men.


Kory Alden

929 Colorado Ave.

Santa Monica CA 90401


Release ID: 57749