Church of Scientology Praises House of Representative Passage of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom Reauthorization Act (S. 3764)

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Critical watchdog agency on religious freedom (USCIRF) reauthorized to continue their important work on monitoring abuses internationally against freedom of thought, conscience, and religion

The House of Representatives just passed the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Reauthorization Act, securing critical funding for the commission through fiscal year 2026. The bill (S. 3764) was fast-tracked following its passage in the Senate on September 11th, reflecting a strong bipartisan commitment to the promotion of the freedom of religion or belief worldwide.

The passage of this legislation reaffirms the United States' leadership in protecting the right to the freedom of religion or belief as a core tenet of its foreign policy. USCIRF plays a crucial role in monitoring violations of religious freedom, advocating for individuals and communities facing persecution or being imprisoned for their beliefs, and providing vital policy recommendations to both Congress and the State Department.

"Imagine living in a world where you can be imprisoned, tortured, or even killed for exercising your fundamental human right to believe freely. And yet, reputable sources like Pew Research center indicate that for 70% of the world's population, this is a harsh reality," said Anna Sineva, Director of Government Relations & Public Policy for the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office. "By reauthorizing the USCIRF, Congress has sent a clear message: the protection of religious freedom is not just a moral obligation but a key element of U.S. national security and foreign diplomacy."

The International Religious Freedom Roundtable, a group consisting of hundreds of religious organizations working on religious freedom issues around the world, supported this legislation with a letter signed by 218 organizations including the Church of Scientology, Baha’is of the United States, American Humanists Association, Baptist World Alliance, Islamic Society of North America, Sikh Dharma International, and Campaign for the Uyghurs.

The U.S. Institute of Peace and other organizations providing excellent research and publishing reports on the subject have consistently emphasized that promoting religious freedom enhances peace, societal stability, and economic growth on a global scale. USCIRF’s mandate allows for targeted action on religious freedom, ensuring that Congress and the State Department have the data and recommendations needed to make informed policy decisions.

This reauthorization provides critical support to USCIRF’s efforts, including its country-specific reports and its Frank R. Wolf Freedom of Religion or Belief Victims List, which highlights the cases of individuals persecuted for their faith and includes not only the "traditional" list of those imprisoned for their beliefs, but also the names of those held under house arrest or kidnapped for their beliefs. 

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom monitors and researches violations of freedom of religion and conscience around the world and publishes an annual report calling for specific reforms in countries that regularly violate these rights. USCIRF also recommends countries that should be named as countries of particular concern to the US State Department.

With the passage of S. 3764, the United States reaffirms its commitment to defending human rights and promoting global stability through religious freedom.

International Religious Freedom Roundtable coalition meeting in a Congressional office to advocate for USCIRF

About Us: The Church of Scientology has engaged, throughout its existence, in activities to promote and protect religious freedom around the world for everyone. Scientologists are dedicated to this principle as evidenced by their pledge to support freedom of religion for the good of all.

Contact Info:
Name: Sylvia Stanard
Email: Send Email
Organization: Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
Address: 1701 20th St NW Washington, DC

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Release ID: 89142048

Name: Sylvia Stanard
Email: Send Email
Organization: Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
Address: 1701 20th St NW Washington, DC
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