Academic Ads Ltd. To Provide Responsive Web Design For Clients

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Academic Ads has taken a new approach to web design services with broad spectrum specialities combined into a one of a kind method for maximising online exposure and engagement.

Website design has become an essential commodity for any modern business, and whether a start-up succeeds or fails can often hang on the way a company presents itself to a now global audience. Equally, as search engine algorithms increase in complexity and services improve, public relations for businesses online is now a more complex beast than in any other medium. Finding an expert in both disciplines within one company is rare, but Academic Ads has an even rarer team assembled. They are an Online Marketing Firm in Toronto with expertise in marketing, design, and the online marketing process.

The company describes its unique process as responsive web design, in which they actively research the background of the company and the landscape in which it sits online, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the company relative to its competition.

It then interprets this research to inform the approach of prioritising the company’s values within its online branding, and this is reflected in any web design and conversion marketing.

Once the site is built, the company then begins the next stage in the process- integrating cutting edge search engine optimization and social media integration to create a site that generates leads organically and for the long term.

A spokesperson for Academic Ads explained, “It’s one thing to try and get a lot of people looking at you, but they have to like what they see, or even better, be intrigued by it. The online marketplace is the fiercest and most competitive yet, but it also has the potential to be the most lucrative, making online branding and conversion techniques essential for new businesses. Website design is the first impression, the handshake of a company, and it needs to sell people on the company’s value at first glance, then reinforce that at every turn. To do so requires composition akin to music: complementary elements that create a greater whole. That’s why our full spectrum approach is invaluable to clients. However we are focused on more than making a good impression our whole strategy is focused on making customers take action, an attractive site is worthless without conversions.”

About Academic Ads:
Academic Ads provides expertise, energy and experience, helping clients exceed their marketing goals using sound strategy and solid execution. Internet marketing is both an art and a science, and success requires knowledge of multiple disciplines – marketing, advertising, technology, psychology, economics, and more. Academic Ads produce business results for their clients by combining these factors into a single approach that exceeds business’ expectations.

Contact Info:
Name: Lorne Fade
Email: Send Email
Organization: Academic Ads Ltd.
Phone: 416-322-9991

Release ID: 16149

Name: Lorne Fade
Email: Send Email
Organization: Academic Ads Ltd.