Zoom Meeting Tips Communications Experts Best Background Video Tutorial Launched

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ADVO Group has launched a video tutorial on optimizing backgrounds to create the right impact on virtual meetings. The video is third in the group’s Zoom Boom coaching series.

Communications training experts ADVO Group have launched the third in their series of video tutorials on best meeting practices on Zoom and other online meeting apps. The video may be accessed for free on the group’s Youtube channel.

More information can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1HR2J5ZKtE&ab_channel=ADVOgroupINC.-ExecutiveCoachingandLeadershipDevelopment

ADVO Group’s newly launched video focuses on screen backgrounds and how they can be optimized to give participants their best digital presence. This is the third in the group’s Zoom Boom video coaching series, where they give out tips on the best tools and practices for successful video meetings.

Zoom Boom features five short video tutorials on what ADVO Group identifies as the most essential elements to creating the right impact in video calls. These include lighting, framing, background, eye line, and connection.

With the current pandemic necessitating remote working and virtual meetings, ADVO Group aims to help business leaders navigate the new office landscape and ensure communications within their organization remain effective.

The firm has developed proprietary programs and techniques to train and coach executives and employees in communications and leadership. Their latest course offering is the Foundations of Kinection, an online training course with “snackable” or short, easy to digest videos that may be accessed at times convenient to the trainee.

The Zoom Boom video tutorials serve as a sneak peek into the kind of micro-coaching and edutainment trainees can expect from Kinection Academy. More information about the program and how to enroll can be found at https://kinectionacademy.thinkific.com

ADVO Group was founded by established actors Greg Derelian and Peter Katona. Both have a Master’s Degree from the Yale School of Drama and have extensive experiences in Broadway and off-Broadway performances, television, film, commercials, and more.

Greg and Peter translate the most effective acting principles into solutions for communication challenges in the workplace and beyond. The group’s clients include Hyatt, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Genentech, Seattle Children’s Hospital, and other high profile organizations.

According to a satisfied client, “What I most appreciated was breaking everything down to simple tangible steps that are easy to change in your day to day. I appreciate that much more than a philosophical large idea approach to improving ourselves, etc.”

Interested parties can learn more from ADVO Group’s website https://www.advogroupinc.com and the URLs mentioned above.

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