Launches New Website for Improving Productivity

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New Website Aims to End Procrastination and Teach Young People to Become More Productive

Fresno, California (May 7, 2015) – California-based organization YoungEnergy recently launched its website The website aims to help both businesses and individuals become more productive. It contains productivity tips and advice as well as a selection of tools that can be used to boost productivity.

Chelsea Bell, YoungEnergy’s spokesperson, is very happy to announce the launching of their website. She also said that the organization will be able to help more business entities and individuals now that the website is up. “We are a firm believer that productivity is the secret to growth. The organization is willing to reach out to anyone who wants help. That’s why we have launched the website,” Bell said. She also added that the site if full of helpful information which has one goal – to teach how to be productive.

“We also believe that technology can be a double-edged sword when it comes to productivity. It could be a time-waster or a tool to do more. For us, we chose it to help us do more,” Bell said. “Our website will introduce these productivity tools to our readers,” she added.

“Procrastination is a productivity killer. It must be fought. Our website contains tips to beat procrastination,” Bell stated, citing one productivity tip she got from the website. Taking enough rest to keep the mind clear and focused for the work ahead is another useful tip that will increase productivity, Bell said. contains information on how to become productive at work or in business. Tips and professional advice can be accessed through the website. Tools and applications that boost productivity can also be found on the site. For more information, please contact Chelsea Bell at or visit

Release ID: 81569