Water-Based Parts Washer From Parts Washer Division of Vital Manufacturing

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Implementing a water-based parts washer from Parts Washer Division of Vital Manufacturing into a parts washing operations is an excellent strategy to reduce environmental footprint.

-- Implementing a water-based parts washer from Parts Washer Division of Vital Manufacturing Inc. into the operation of a business is an excellent strategy to reduce environmental footprint.

Remove the grease, grime, and oil build up of necessary parts needed to build and repair with a water-based parts washer. The past fifty years have confirmed that solvent-based parts washers are harming the environment. Environmentalists conclude that choosing a water-based parts washer from an environmentally-conscious manufacturer will reduce environmental footprint.

Parts Washer Division of Vital Manufacturing Inc., an engineering-based company providing turn-key, innovative solutions to customers in need of reliability and efficiency, is committed to being a responsible and eco-friendly manufacturing company of water-based parts washers.

With three models of water-based parts washers to choose from, Vital Manufactoring Inc. rids all production floors from harmful and harsh chemicals, record keeping and manifesting, hazardous materials handling charges, and even the excessive use of PPE.

Vital Manufacturing Inc. combines the use of high heat with vigorous water pressure, removing build-up from workpieces without a chemical solvent involved. Every water-based parts washer is free of dangerous toxins and can be used easily without the application of personal protective wear.

The Canada-based manufacturing company has three models of water-based parts washers, and they each provide the best value in the industry.

– The VPW-1924 water-based parts washer has the smallest footprint of the three, packing an efficient punch for its small size. This model has a 19″ turn-table, a working height of 24”, and a roll-in door. It can accommodate Small Parts Baskets, Hanging Trees, Dual Tables/Baskets, and Large Part Vertical Support Racks.

– The VPW-3040 water-based parts washer has a 30” turn-table and a working height of 40”. This model is a completely hassle-free operation and can be programmed to run overnight or during off-hours with no supervision.

– The VPW-4260 water-based parts washer is suited for larger, industrial needs, and has built-in 7-day timers. With a 2,500 lb turntable capacity, Vital Manufacturing Inc,’s largest water-based parts washer features a 42” turn-table and 60” working height.

For more information on a water-based parts washer from Vital Manufacturing Inc., reach out today for a quote.

Release ID: 89005856