Virtual Skylights Preferred Over Glass Skylights Due To Cost and Water Leakage

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Top 5 reasons architects, facility planners, and interior designers are making Artificial Sky the fastest specified lighting manufacturer in the World.

-- Detroit, MI: Bringing natural light into buildings is now recognized as having significant evidence-based benefits: both in human health factors, such as wellbeing and workplace efficiency, and also in terms of energy efficiency in performance. As such, skylights have been encouraged by building regulations in recent years, with both LED and Virtual Skylights solutions a growing option due to no chance of water leakage and ease of installation regardless of structure. Here are the main reasons architects and designers are making virtual skylights the fastest specified lighting option in the construction industry.

– Energy Efficiency – Research shows that a roof-installed skylight area of 15-20% can contribute to an overall reduction in CO2 emissions in many buildings, illustrating that skylights also contribute to a greater environmental good.

– Skylights in Northern Hemisphere – Daylight and natural light in buildings are of particular interest in northern countries, where low levels of sunlight and denser cloud cover create the need to capture more light within facilities, particularly in winter months where SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and other human health effects can occur.

Skylights Bring Well-Being – When you introduce daylighting into offices, it increases morale and productivity. In schools, it can improve test results and student concentration. In hospitals, it can speed up recovery times. Meanwhile, increased skylights can be good for sales in shops and stores with an average of 5.5% increase over stores without natural lighting.

– Global Legislation Recommends Skylights – Global building regulations now recommend a minimum of 10% skylight area in commercial buildings, while the UK is achieving a national standard of 20% skylight area. Skylights are said to be up to three times more effective in supplying daylight than vertical windows.

– Skylights Ease of Installation – Skylights, in general, have become easier to install, but Artificial Sky has become the leader in no-leak, cost-effective, dust-free virtual skylights with their 3 most popular products; LED Skylights, Virtual Sky, and Virtual Panels. All of which replicate sunlight and closely mimic nature by moving clouds overhead and even swaying palm trees (Virtual Panels). Many buildings cannot have a skylight on every floor due to structural issues and costs, but Artificial Sky can easily bring the effects of natural daylight to every floor in any location of a building. For more information please visit


Release ID: 89001495