Veloxity reached out to discuss how its platform is the new force in CRM software, and how it’s here to transform the industry with its unique features. The CRM platform combines the simplicity of entry-level CRMs with the power of the industry’s leading software giants.
-- Today, CRM providerFor readers who aren’t familiar with CRM technology, CRM stands for customer relationship management and, as the name suggests, it aids in the management of existing and potential customers with the goal of improving sales and fostering customer loyalty.
Veloxity offers various forms of customization, which are unique to the industry. Very few platforms can be tailored precisely to a business’ needs. Veloxity’s CRM has been developed over a 10-year period to be a robust and scalable platform with extended functionality for businesses that require complex reporting and customization.
Links Asset Trust, a Veloxity customer, uses the platform to improve member experience and overall profitability of its private clubs. Since adopting Veloxity, Link Asset Trust has been able to work individually on its own prospect list and sales leads, which they claim used to be tedious.
Veloxity’s out-of-the box features are what allows small and medium-size businesses to make use of the “sign up and go” approach that the Veloxity system takes. However, if users of the platform do struggle to get things up and running straight away, Veloxity offer various forms of support channels which can help businesses along the way.
The purpose of the Veloxity platform is to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, and find the most effective sales process for their clients’ products and services.
Companies looking to change their existing CRM or to implement one for the first time should check out Veloxity CRM. Interested parties can also check out try Veloxity for free. Find out more through the following website:
Release ID: 89050433