An international school for dedicated Bowen Therapy practitioners, based in Vancouver BC Canada, launched a suite of local workshops and online training programs. Bowen College offers training programs for body-mind integrated therapy for healing and pain management.
Click http://www.bowencollege.com for further information.
Originating in Australia, Bowen Therapy was developed by Tom Bowen in the 1950s, and he continued to practice his techniques in Geelong, Victoria state, until 1982. The Bowen technique is a healing modality that is innovative, pain-free, and incorporates research on mind-body integration.
The newly launched programs offer comprehensive training in utilizing the BowenFirst (TM) Technique, a body manipulation therapy that involves gentle pressure applied by the practitioner’s thumbs and fingers in particular areas of the patient’s body.
The Bowen College website contains a wealth of information about Bowen therapy which involves rolling-type pressure moves with fingers and thumbs, with the aim of practitioners being to activate the recipient’s nerve bundles underneath their muscles and soft tissues, and stimulate the brain and nervous system to heal and manage pain.
With the launch of these training programs, practitioners learn to stimulate certain points on the body in a specific order with occasional pauses. The founder of the Bowen College in Vancouver, Dr Manon Bolliger, stated that “some people are ‘addicted’ to being sick, which can make them feel cared for, but they also feel fear, guilt and shame, along with being terrified of changing, even though that change is for good”.
The Bowen College is an approved Platinum Training Provider, and recipient of a 2019 5-star Seal Of Excellence, awarded by the International Institute For Complementary Therapists. People from Vancouver, and also from anywhere in the world, can join the Bowen College community online, and additionally they may book a telephone call to receive more information about the training programs that were launched.
Further details may be obtained from the website by clicking the URL above.
Release ID: 88937248