UK Quit Smoking Natural Green Spaces Scientific Survey Report Released

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UK e-cigarette company, SMOKO, has released a report about quitting smoking. A survey suggests that people living near green spaces are less likely to be smokers.

-- SMOKO, an e-cigarette company based in the UK, has released a report about quitting smoking. The report suggests that living near green spaces could help.

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The report released by SMOKO aims to help people commit to quitting smoking by providing scientific research that may assist in the effort. The habit of smoking is in decline, but there are many people still struggling with addiction to it.

According to research from the Health Survey of England that was published in the Social Science and Medicine Journal, living near green spaces can be beneficial when attempting to give up smoking. People who live in green areas are less likely to be smokers. Over 8,000 adults were surveyed. Plymouth University’s Leanne Martin is the lead author of the study.

The research mentioned in the report found that 19% of those surveyed were current smokers and 45% had been regular smokers at some point in time. People living in areas with green spaces were 20% less likely to smoke than those that did not. The survey also determined that the people that had previously been smokers were 12% more likely to have successfully quit if they lived in greener areas.

Natural resources have an important role to play in public health. This applies in both urban and rural areas. Further work to support the study’s findings could lead to the discovery of more natural ways for people to quit smoking.

SMOKO is a manufacturer of e-cigarettes. Based in the UK, the company is a member of the Independent British Vape Trade Association (IBVTA) which ensures safety. All of their e-liquids are made in the UK, and they offer worldwide shipping.

The authors of the study commented: “Enabling greater access to green spaces should be made part of public health policies around smoking in the future.”

More information can be found at

Release ID: 88997659