Ty Cohen, Author, Releases New Tips On Building an Amazon Publishing Business

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Join, Ty Cohen on a limited free training to review his kindle publishing tips. Ty Cohen is a successful digital marketer as well as a former morning talk show radio personality, author, and creator of over a dozen best-selling books, software programs, directories and products.

Ty Cohen, successful digital marketer as well as a former morning talk show radio personality, author, and creator of over a dozen best-selling books, software programs, directories and products, has released a new program which focuses on how to make money with Kindle Publishing. His program is discussed on a free training provided below. He has been in the industry for quite awhile and understands many of the pitfalls that often occur when trying to publish a book on your own.

Ty’s program has helped many students reach success through Kindle publishing using his formula. One of his students, Darren Devery, 66 Australia, states “Over the last year I’ve continued to follow the Kindle Cash Flow System and I’m now doing $20k per month in sales”

The released webinar is currently running and is free to join. Register now and receive a complimentary copy of our Kindle Publishing Secrets when you register at the link below:


On the free one hour training, Ty discusses many topics which include but are not limited to:

—How to create your own eBook (even if you are not a writer).

—How to title your books the right way so that they get ranked properly

—How to outsource most of the work.

—How to take advantage of Amazon’s new model to make even more money.

—How to get tons of traffic to your eBook page on Amazon.

—A 3 step process to quickly create and deliver your published book

—New up to date methods that are working today when creating a book.

Ty’s trainings are well received in the online marketing space and many of his students have gone on to launch successful online businesses.

To enroll, click the link below, or watch the free training at link at the top of the article.


Release ID: 89003140