Tree Doctor & Vegetation Management Firm Launch Vanuatu Sustainable Land Project

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Seeking to create a sustainable and economically enriched Vanuatu, Cassian Humphreys, a tree doctor, and a team will establish sustainable land management for the native Ni-Van community. However, only preliminary research will make this project a success. Therefore, Humphreys has launched a fundraising campaign.

Naturaculture Ltd, an Australian not-for-profit vegetation management company led by Cassian Humphreys, a tree doctor, has launched a campaign to raise funds for research into the Ni-Van “Avatar” plants situated in Vanuatu. This research is the foundation of the Regain Hope project, which aims to develop a sustainable land management practice and organic plant production systems empowering the native Ni-Van community to create a viable economy.

More information is available at

Recently launched, the Ni-Van “Avatar” research campaign aims to raise funds for independent research on the plants and natural resources in the area, prior to the start of the Regain Hope project. Plus, the research campaign will further develop community relations and engage the Ni-Van people in future project work.

Contracted to a Vanuatu Company through Regain Hope – an Australian not-for-profit charity, Humphreys will join a team of arborists to set up a sustainable land management practice for the native Ni-Van community. As such, the team will recycle cyclone downed vegetation and weeds, using state of the art super composting system. This system will feed soil microbiology and establish superior food and medicinal crops. Furthermore, the program will train the local Ni-Van people to sustain these practices and their sacred trees, while assisting them to sell their produce locally and internationally empowering them and boosting the local economy.

Vanuatu is an “Avatar” land, with “Avatar” people, who continue to cultivate their connection to nature. The islands in Vanuatu consist of nutrient-dense volcanic soils that have a capacity to yield nutritious crops – an untapped natural resource. At present, Vanuatu is a third world country with an unsustainable economy and a limited ability to contribute to the global market. Yet, this nation offers the world a significant opportunity if it can cultivate its natural resources.

With 30 years in tree and plant culture, Cassian Humphreys has developed his nature-specific intelligence. Few professions in the world can claim to have done this, as most only yield academic intelligence. Drawing on this nature-specific intelligence, as a tree doctor, Humphreys can heal nature. Thus, he gives sick trees extra life and utilizes their resources. He storm proofs trees, so they survive cyclones, and he helps protect crops, property, and people from cyclone damage.

When asked about his motivation for the project, Cassian Humphreys said, “5 years ago I woke to my humanity, gave up an unsustainable life and chose to use my knowledge as a practical environmentalist to focus on sustainability. I created Naturaculture Ltd, an Australian Not-for-Profit Vegetation Management Company and set about establishing a range of environmentally beneficial projects.”

To find out more about Cassian Humphreys and Naturaculture Ltd, visit or to help build the research foundation for the Regain Hope sustainable land management practice of organic plant production systems for the native (Ni-Van) community visit

Release ID: 207827