Tom Nicoli Emotional Eating Weight Loss Hypnosis Program Audio Download Update

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Acclaimed hypnotist and author of Thinking Thin - The Truth about Weight Loss, Tom Nicoli, announced an update to his home weight-loss hypnosis program.

The latest release includes a 20-minute guided hypnosis session designed to be listened to once or twice daily at home. The audio aims to help listeners let go of any emotional baggage causing overeating and weight gain, leading to healthy and comfortable weight loss.

More information is available at

The updated program provides an affordable and convenient way for people to retrain their thinking habits around food and eating. The experience of following the guided hypnosis is reportedly similar to relaxing and listening to a story.

Some studies have shown hypnosis to be more effective than diet and exercise alone when it comes to weight loss. Theories state that dealing with why a person overeats instead of merely instructing them to eat less is far more efficacious for long-term, sustained weight loss.

The benefits of a listen-at-home hypnosis program include the ability to switch off the phone, close the curtains and completely relax in the comfort of familiar surroundings. The hypnosis audio gently guides individuals into a relaxed and open-minded state of focus to help release the emotional baggage that translated into weight gain.

Emotions play a large part in people’s lives. Proponents of hypnosis for weight loss say it is not uncommon for people to attempt to tame their feelings or disconnect from them by eating food. Coping through overeating is like putting a plaster on; it helps in the short term but doesn’t fix why the plaster was needed in the first place.

Tom Nicoli says, “Once you help your clients lose their emotional weight, their physical weight will go away. You can’t have the two; it’s a mismatch.”

Internationally renowned speaker, trainer, life coach, and consultant to practicing hypnotists, Tom Nicoli is a board-certified hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists. Tom is the initiator of World Hypnotism Day and has received multiple NGH awards over the last two decades. His hypnosis audios, courses, and online hypnosis sessions have helped people in 50 countries.

One client said: “I kept saying I’ve been doing everything the same, but 25 pounds later here I am, and I am still at the same low weight. Tom changed the way I feel about myself inside and out.”

Interested parties can find out more at:

Release ID: 89065835