The Foundation Works Urges L.A. Residents to Prepare Homes for an Earthquake

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CEO of The Foundation Works urges homeowners and apartment building owners to schedule earthquake retrofitting services, via an article in the Los Angeles Times.

In a recent feature story in the Los Angeles Times, the potential damage sustained by a home that has not undergone seismic retrofitting was clearly spelled out. Indeed, living in a home that is damaged by an earthquake can leave you with an “uninhabitable space – plus significant repair costs and a mortgage payment for a structure you can’t live in” the Times wrote.

According to Keith Whallet, CEO of The Foundations Works, who was interviewed by the Los Angeles Times for the piece, “This article should serve as a warning to all homeowners and apartment building owners throughout Los Angeles. The reporter was spot on when writing that ‘this scenario is preventable – and prevention is cost-effective.’ A seismic retrofit should be your top priority if you are a homeowner or property owner in the Southland.”

“There are more than one million homes in the state that need a seismic retrofit, according to the California Earthquake Authority. That means that thousands of homes and the families living in them here in SoCal are at risk,” said Whallet.

Continuing he said, “The difference in cost between paying for a seismic retrofit, to ensure that your home stays on its concrete foundation, rather than slipping off and paying to rebuild your home is enormous. A seismic retrofit can be done in a couple of days and save you hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Although a major earthquake can rattle any home, minor foundation repairs on a home that has been seismically reinforced can be completed quickly and inexpensively. “If a big earthquake strikes and your home is not reinforced, there is certainly a chance you’re looking at a rebuild,” Whallet added. “At The Foundation Works, we urge all homeowners to reinforce the homes they live in, along with any rental, investment, or vacation properties they own. Likewise, all soft-story apartment buildings should be reinforced as soon as possible. We know that it’s not a matter of if Los Angeles will experience another significant earthquake. It’s simply a matter of when it will strike.”

The Foundation Works was founded by a former home inspector, who found that 85% of all home foundations had sub-standard bolting. Since opening its doors in 2003, The Foundation Works has grown to include a variety of services. Today, in addition to foundation repair, seismic retrofitting, and soft-story retrofitting, the company also provides foundation inspections, foundation replacement, inspections for insurance companies, floor leveling, concrete crack repair, brick foundation upgrades, basement repair, and more. The Foundation Works services all of Los Angeles, including the San Fernando and San Gabriel Valleys.

As a top-reviewed foundation repair and seismic retrofitting company, The Foundation Works completed FEMA training for seismic retrofit of single-family wood-frame homes and met all requirements of the California Earthquake Authority (CEA). The Foundation Works is included in the contractor directory of the Earthquake Brace and Bolt State Grant Program (EBB). Visit

Release ID: 89030520