The Cheapest Merchant Account Credit Card Payment Processing Fees For Business

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Get the cheapest merchant processing rates when you know how to identify junk fees you may be charged for accepting credit card with a merchant account. Joint the "War On Junk Fees" movement.

Simple Payments, a merchant services and payment processing company, announces the release of a consumer protection initiative entitled a “War on Junk Fees”. This crusade targets the little known industry practices of merchant processors that charge clients junk fees, whether little or exorbitant. This initiative empowers small businesses to negotiate their payment processing rates in order to get the cheapest fees possible to accept credit card payments.

It’s well known that merchant service contracts are complicated, confusing, and difficult to understand. The War On Junk Fees is a public service initiative designed to educate business owners to the predatory practices designed to “slip-in” fees that are too complicated to understand or find in the complex terms and conditions.

Knowing where and how to look for these junk fees can save businesses a significant amount of money and let them know if they are getting the cheapest rates. Many merchant processing companies will highly discount one rate while jacking up another rate, this makes the business owner think they are getting the cheapest rates when in reality they are not. The War on Junk Fees initiative outlines the most common areas where fees are abused and educates people on how to spot these potential pit falls before a contact is signed and committing to years of junk fees.

Finance expert and Simple Payments CEO Robert Stubbs says, “Sadly businesses often pay a tremendous amount in fees that they had no idea they’d ever have to pay. Merchant services companies lead with low fees in one area and then often ‘make-up’ for it somewhere else. That’s not fair and we’ve started a movement to give businesses the education needed to combat these practices.”

Stubbs invites businesses everywhere to join the War on Junk Fees by visiting Simple Payments website or by calling their offices.


Simple Payments, LLC is a full service merchant processing and Point of Sale solutions company covering all 50 states in the U.S. providing top-rated credit and debit card transaction acceptance services to businesses. Simple Payments also works with finance companies who need an integrated solution to accept payments from their clients.

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Release ID: 282346