Tabletop RPG Fantasy Gaming Modern Adventures Higher Grounds Campaign Launched

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Higher Grounds Publishing has launched a new Kickstarter campaign to help create their new tabletop RPG. The game, called Modern Adventures, throws players into the real world with a fantasy twist.

A new Kickstarter campaign has been launched by Higher Ground Publishing, which is seeking public support to bring its tabletop RPG “Modern Adventures” to the market. A gritty fantasy game set in modern day earth, Modern Adventures allows players to take up their weapons and seek fame and fortune throughout their adventure.

More information can be found at:

Founded in 2015, Higher Grounds was created by Ray Machuga, and is an indie publisher made with the sole purpose of making entertaining and engaging tabletop games with an emphasis on storytelling and action. The company was founded on the principle of building games with the purpose of allowing players to have immersive and epic experiences.

Previous games include Warsong, which was successfully launched through Kickstarter and was released in the same year. The game lets players take control of powerful characters against even stronger universal forces on a quest to guide destiny.

The Kickstarter campaign for Modern Adventures offers a range of different options for backers looking to help the new game become a reality. By pledging $1, backers can get regular updates on the progress of the game as it approaches launch. The next level of pledge gets the backer their name in the thank you section, while further options allow people to get their hands on digital copies of the game, supplements, and more.

Pathfinder: Modern Adventure is described as a game of fantasy based in the real world. Players are introduced to earth with a twist: humans are not alone, and there are fantastical creatures, like elves, gnomes, dwarves and other strange creatures on the planet as well.

Into this world come the adventurers, who spend their time scouring tombs and catacombs, battling monsters, and plunging into quests. The game is designed to bring the elements of fantasy into today’s world and allow people to quest for riches, glory, and fame.

Players take up the role of these adventurers, discovering secrets along the way and seeking treasure. Full details of the game can be found on the Kickstarter page, with additional information provided at:

The company website is available at:

Release ID: 233730