Storytelling Multi-Media Approach to Antiracist Education Launches

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A transformative initiative aimed at overcoming the roots of racism has been announced. This modality combines a unique combination of online multi-media storytelling and the intimacy of the story circle.

Vibrant Velvet Voice Productions announces the launch of R.A.C.E.S. which stands for Race A Concept Explored in Story. The launch of this dynamic new method of exploring and overcoming racism began in July 2020. On October 12th, R.A.C.E.S Interactive launched. This online anti-racist, cultural-educational, multi-media approach offers quarterly creative educational online presentations.

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The launch of R.A.C.E.S. was prompted out of the deep realization of the need for continued conversation about racism. The organization believes to build a compassionate, caring community people across all races must continue to strive for understanding and sensitivity.

R.A.C.E.S. core belief is that all people are one and this unity creates a freedom without bounds or limits. This understanding of the energetic connection of all life, from the stars to the depths of the sea, enables the universe to heal any imbalance to the degree that an individual’s story is healed.

Skywalker Payne, Founder of Vibrant Velvet Voice Productions and a professional storyteller has seen the power of the story circle to create healing. The power of story, through creative media, has the ability to open hearts and minds. By hearing stories, sharing pains, and working together in the intimacy of the storytelling circle humanity can, eventually, uproot racist ideas. Through examining antiracist ideas and practices, antiracist systems emerge and social solutions evolve.

This first R.A.C.E.S. Interactive features an original short video history, The Black Vote, by DN Holford; a Toltec blessing by Jen Alvarez; conversations about colonialism with Alaska native artist Argent Kvasnikoff and life coach Auguste Crenshaw. Payne performs an original interpretive dance to her poem.

A participant in a R.A.C.E.S. Circle said, “The most transformative part of my session was how space was created and an atmosphere of openness, trust, safety, and respect was invoked. I was anxious prior to the Circle and felt lighter after. I felt we were all engaging with Skywalker as a master.”

For more information see

Release ID: 88980870