Site Aims to Reduce Emotional Distress and Foster Emotional Well Being at home.

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Consulting Philosopher announces its new website for those interested in how to reduce emotional distress or increase emotional well being. Further info is at

Consulting Philosopher just announced the launch of its new website service, which is going live in mid-March 2018. This may shake things up for anyone looking to reduce emotional distress or foster emotional well being.

Even as adults it’s normal to suffer occasionally from powerful unwanted emotions like grief, anger, or fear. That’s partly because in school we are not taught either the structure of emotions or how to eliminate unwanted emotions.

This brand new site is free-to-use. Anyone who is experiencing intense, unwanted emotions may be able to use it to help themselves without requiring expensive help from psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, or other professional counselors.

Dennis E. Bradford, Ph.D., from Consulting Philosopher says, “We believe that emotions have a threefold structure that provides the key to understanding how lasting emotional well being is possible. Any adult who learns that structure will be able to understand what tactics for dealing with unwanted emotions work and which are counterproductive.”

According to Dr. Bradford, who is the author of the book EMOTIONAL FACELIFT, “We at ConsultingPhilosopher,com think that our new website offers a huge benefit to those who really want to live better emotionally. Anyone who masters how to dissolve unwanted emotions will not only be able to reduce his or her emotional distress whenever necessary but also will automatically demonstrate to others how to live better emotionally.” He adds that additional one-on-one paid telephone consulting may be available for those who want it. began in late February 2018. Consulting Philosopher has been doing business long enough to understand that all normal adults have the ability to learn how to help themselves do better emotionally. Their lofty aim is to elevate the level of wisdom for all adults.

Currently, the closest thing to Consulting Philosopher’s website may be self-help books of questionable quality. not only claims to explain why frequently used tactics like venting or trying to ignore are counter-productive when dealing with unwanted emotions, but it also claims to explain how to deal effectively with unwanted emotions and why that’s possible by indicating the threefold structure that all emotions share.

Dr. Bradford believes that even many professional counselors don’t clearly understand the structure of emotions. If so, may quickly become very popular with anyone interested in the life coaching space.

Once again, to find out more and evaluate it for yourself, the place to visit is

Release ID: 313709