Shortage of Gestational Surrogates Adds to Anguish of Waiting Intended Parents

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A shortage of qualified gestational surrogates has resulted in some Oregon families waiting a year or more to find a match, often after struggling with infertility or adoption issues for years already. Apply to become a surrogate, visit or call 503-427-1880.

-- Many big celebrities have publicly shared their heartache over infertility issues, including the model and media host Tyra Banks. By openly sharing her anguish and how surrogates can help in these situations, she has helped countless people feel less alone in their struggles. Although these conversations are valuable, the media is not talking about one of the biggest problems intended parents face after choosing to work with a gestational surrogate; finding a woman who is both generous enough to assist and qualified to do so.

Qualified gestational surrogates are urged to visit or call 503-427-1880 to apply to help a family.

Aside from being compassionate enough to help people struggling to start a family, gestational surrogates have to meet strict criteria relating to health and stability. For example, there are guidelines involving being height and weight proportionate, as well as to abstaining from drugs and tobacco. The women must have also had at least one healthy pregnancy already, have their own transportation to appointments, and be financially stable, apart from the substantial payment they receive for assisting. Additionally, reputable agencies have candidates screened by a medical physician and a mental health specialist, to ensure the pregnancy goes smoothly. These guidelines often disqualify women who would otherwise make tremendous surrogates, and leave intended parents waiting more than a year to begin the process.

“Although Zach and I want children soon, we recognize that finding the right surrogate and egg donor is more important than finding them quickly,” explains David Lat. As a writer for Esquire and intended father hoping to start a family, Mr. Lat understands the value of finding a good match. However, he is one of many intended parents who have struggled for an extended period of time. Long before following the path to surrogacy, multiple adoptions he planned have fallen through at the last moment.

To apply to be a surrogate, go to or call 503-427-1880.

As Mr. Lat points out, there are a lot of people involved in surrogacy today. Gestational surrogates carry the baby, but they are not related to him or her. Instead, many intended parents use their own eggs or look for a qualified egg donor as they search for a surrogate.

Despite Mr. Lat’s patience and perseverance, the wait is hard to endure for many intended parents. With so few qualified women applying, intended parents can wait a year or more before they’re introduced to a potential surrogate and, at this point, both parties must feel confident enough to commit to the process. Things like personalities and personal beliefs are assessed. If even one party does not feel like they’ve met a good match, the search continues until each one finds his or her ideal pairing. Only when an perfect match is made can the team begin planning the surrogacy, which can take a year or more to complete as well. In other words, parents who have already struggled for years may continue to wait with empty arms for 2-3 years after deciding on surrogacy, simply because there are not enough qualified gestational surrogates applying.

About Oregon Surrogate Agency

Oregon Surrogate Agency is dedicated to helping gestational surrogates and intended parents find their ideal matches, in a swift and safe manner. The agency also ensures all the parties are looked after throughout the process and that they are guided through every step, so that it is a smooth and rewarding experience for everyone involved.

To become a surrogate and help a family, visit or call 503-427-1880 today.

Release ID: 129374