-- Bestselling author Michelle Brubaker has launched an online course on how to create beautiful, professionally formatted coloring books and sell them on Amazon.
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The newly launched course offers information on how to create and market coloring books. It was created by an internet entrepreneur who has used these methods to enter the bestseller lists on Amazon.
Coloring books, especially ones aimed at adults, have risen in popularity in the last few years. This is due to the relaxing nature of coloring. According to a 2005 study, coloring has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. Coloring complicated patterns is mildly challenging, and it is an activity anyone can do at home. It allows people to reach a meditative state, which is why it can be used as a form of art therapy or as a mindfulness practice.
Since coloring books are currently in demand, this course shows aspiring entrepreneurs and book publishers how to benefit from this trend by creating their own product in one of several profitable niches. The course does not require any art or design knowledge. Michelle shares her specific way of searching for royalty-free pictures that can be used in a coloring book since there are already many images available to use online.
The material is broken down into four video modules, and several worksheets and templates are included as well. With the use of these templates, entrepreneurs can create interesting coloring patterns and elaborate backgrounds.
In addition, students receive advice on how to format their books since publishing sites like Amazon have very specific guidelines. The goal of the course is not only to have a book approved on Amazon but also to make the book attractive to potential buyers. This is why students will learn to create beautiful and attention-grabbing covers.
A satisfied customer said: “Michelle is an incredible teacher and really has done her research. She opened my eyes to all kinds of niches that I can do and introduce to my arsenal of Amazon book publishing.”
Additional information can be found at the link above or at https://michellebrubaker.com
Release ID: 89030185