Sapio Sciences Publishes Press Release Titled “What Is a LIMS?”

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Sapio Sciences publish a post on their website giving readers an adequate definition of what a LIMS actually is, and their benefits to laboratories

Sapio Sciences published a press release on their website titled “What Is a LIMS?”, which covers everything researchers and scientists need to know about LIMS software. For those who are unaware, Sapio Sciences is a leading provider of Laboratory Management, Electronic Lab Notebook, and Knowledge Management Solutions.

The company’s post begins by defining what a LIMS is, which of course, is an acronym for the Laboratory Information Management System. In very straightforward terms, a LIMS can be any piece of software that manages the information that’s produced or digested in a laboratory setting.

Unfortunately, this definition is not very accurate. With that definition, Microsoft Excel would be considered a LIMS. You don’t need to be an expert to know that Excel isn’t exactly a LIMS, and the many labs that are using it for tracking information wouldn’t call it a LIMS either.

So, Sapio has improved upon this definition to exclude the likes of MS Excel from being included within the list. In their post, the company comes to the conclusion that it would be better to say: “A LIMS can be considered as any piece of software that manages the information that is produced or digested within a laboratory setting or environment, and includes support for many laboratory-specific needs.” Sapio notes that although this definition is lacking, especially in the context of their own software, it is a much better definition than the prior.

The rest of the post covers a much more in-depth talk about what would serve as an excellent definition of a LIMS—all based on the company’s ample experience within the industry working on their own LIMS system. Readers are invited to check out Sapio’s own LIMS software and to learn how it can assist their organization. They can book a demo on their Sapio’s website:

Release ID: 89048936