-- Remedy Bail Bonds, the top-rated bail agents in Riverside, CA, will continue to help families get their loved ones out of jail despite California Supreme Court’s recent decision to potentially end surety bail.
More details can be found at https://remedybail.com
Remedy Bail’s 24/7, year-round, remote bail bonds services underline the company’s commitment to serving the interests of the local community during the pandemic.
The company highlights the significant risks associated with the California Supreme Court’s recent decision that could allow an accused to walk free 48 hours after being arrested. The decision to end surety bail has attracted significant controversy.
Remedy Bail Bonds operates under the legal precept that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. However, the company also recognizes that victims of crime deserve to feel safe until the courts have dealt with the case. To this end, cash bail bonds provide security and peace of mind for both parties.
The Riverside bail bonds agency is concerned that the California Supreme Court’s decision may also result in potentially dangerous criminals being released without any incentive to stay on the right side of the law. In the face of the decision, the company continues to provide low-cost no-collateral bail bonds services remotely, using document management software and mobile services, when possible, to ensure pandemic safety.
The team at Remedy Bail Bonds has also expressed concern about the use of racially biased algorithm-based risk assessment tools to decide who is eligible for release from custody.
Founded in 2004, Remedy Bail Bonds is a leading SoCal bail bondsman service specialist agency with offices in Riverside, Orange County, San Diego, and San Bernardino. The agency accepts many forms of payment and answers collect calls from inmates and their relatives.
For more information about responsive 24/7 bail bonds services in Riverside, CA, visit the Remedy Bail website.
Release ID: 89028435