Prescient Political Pundit Now Predicts the Rise of Remnant Advertising

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Roger Fredinburg, a nationally syndicated radio host and media buyer, predicts changes in marketing that will impact every business in America. New tools for purchasing remnant advertising and online trends revealing some declines means companies need to reevaluate the delicate mix of internet and traditional.

Roger Fredinburg is a syndicated radio host that always speaks his mind, sometimes ruffles a few feathers and occasionally makes bold predictions.

Fredinburg has picked political winners and losers, and legislative trends both nationally and locally. When he puts forward a projection, Roger is usually way out ahead of the curve.

Now, he offers his keen insight on the future of advertising, another subject he happens to be an expert about. Fredinburg, as the founder and CEO of Ho Hum Media, Inc., has this to say, “digital advertising is undergoing a massive sea change right now and if companies continue to operate like it is business as usual, they are going to completely miss the boat.”

Fredinburg’s advice is backed up by recent surveys like the one conducted by Edison Research in a report dated March 6, 2019 stating that listening to audio, whether via satellite radio, traditional AM/FM or podcasts is currently embraced by over 50% of the population ages 12 or older. At the same time, the use of social media like Facebook is down by a staggering 15 million users, especially in the younger demographic. So, what does this mean for the future of advertising?

“There are emerging strategies that employ a unique combination of internet, traditional and remnant ad purchases that will deliver a Return On Investment that we have never seen before”, says Roger, adding, “in order for a business to be successful today, it all comes down to timing and balance; getting the costs very low and the exposure extremely high, with the exact audience. But, instead of using a typical discount ad broker, smart companies will find utilizing a remnant inventory programmatic buying system is going to rock their bottom line!”

If Roger Fredinburg is right, then all businesses, large and small, will need to recalibrate their plans to include media that many “experts” had written off as no longer relevant and begin to use social media differently.

Perhaps the best advice is to find an expert to consult with on this dramatic shift in the marketing landscape. Maybe talking to someone who can predict a Presidential winner far in advance might be an excellent place to start.

Learn more about remnant ad buying

Release ID: 494861