Plaque Removal Blotting Toothbrush For Receding/Bleeding Gums – Guide Launched

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A newly updated guide covering tooth and gum health, and the importance of using the right brush, has been launched. It highlights the importance of using the blotting brush, developed by Dr. Phillips.

Blotting Brushes has launched a newly updated guide to the best toothbrush for removing plaque. It covers the uniquely designed toothbrushes from ToothWizards and how they can be used to overcome receding gums and bad breath while avoiding gum surgery.

For more information, please visit the website here:

One of the challenges that those with sensitive teeth and gums face is bleeding when brushing or scrubbing. This can be avoided with the right toothbrush, and it’s here where the newly launched guide can help.

Blotting Brushes explains that finding the right toothbrush is an important step in securing a beneficial lifestyle improvement. Their guide is based on the insight of Dr. Joseph Phillips, who believed that modern dentistry was losing its way.

When Dr. Phillips was 16, his dentist argued that his teeth were in such bad condition he needed gum surgery. However, Dr. Phillips refused – and set about creating a new toothbrush to solve the issue, based on the Masai tribe of Kenya using the frayed end of a mustard tree twig.

In the 1960s, he developed a unique bristled brush that could clean the teeth with a blotting action, rather than the traditional scrubbing movement used by most people.

One of the most distinguishing features outlined in the new guide is that the brush requires no toothpaste. It relies on textured bristles, which have been specially designed to be more effective at removing plaque.

Through his research, Dr. Phillips discovered that it wasn’t enough for patients to use toothpaste and mouthwash. Similarly, too much stock was being placed in flossing. Instead, he wanted patients to focus on their brushing technique.

Through regular use of this unique brush, people can more effectively eliminate gum disorders and reduce plaque formation. Because the brush is proven to be effective at cleaning the teeth in this way, it can also eliminate bad breath.

A spokesperson states: “If you’re looking to find a better approach to brushing and flossing you need to look outside the proverbial box. There are methods that won’t keep you stuck with the same recurring problem that leads to mercury fillings and gum surgery.”

Those wishing to find out more can visit:

Release ID: 89014117