People ready for change are hopping onboard the True Self Blueprint Journey

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Olla Terve Healing Arts' founder, Linda Kilpela, announced that the next 90-Day Journey to Craft Your True Self Blueprint sets sail online on Monday, April 19. All are welcome to join.

People ready for change. looking for the latest information on how to integrate higher consciousness into everyday living: Create a life that you love as you embark on a 90-Day Journey to Craft your True Self Blueprint that begins on Monday, April 19.

Olla Terve Healing Arts’ founder, Linda Kilpela is leading this online journey, which will cover key concepts such as:

Create a future-proof foundation: Learn skills and concepts to create your future-proof foundation as you release outdated thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Be empowered to your next level: Your life is your choice. Be empowered to take all areas of your life to the next level.

Be inspired to live as your true self: Be inspired to live authentically as your true self and create a life that you love.

This course work will be accelerated by sacred sound baths. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla

Full details on the event can be found on YouTube at and the company website at

When asked about his experience, True Self student, Caleb Hall shared, “The process was insightful, stimulating, challenging at points, but most of all revealing. It moved me to challenge my perspectives and be willing to be open to the idea of changing. Changing beliefs, relationships, patterns of behavior etc. I was reminded that change is the only constant and to live a fruitful life we must welcome change! As for Linda, I learned during that process that she’s nothing less than a master facilitator using tools she’s developed to guide bravely and seemingly effortlessly. She was more than willing to provide space and support for challenging times and offer insights when appropriate. She’s very quick to recognize and identify possible challenges and strengths in people to ultimately help guide them to being more authentic and embracing their highest selves. A true guide to higher consciousness. The work with singing bowls and essential oils feel deep and permanent still!”

Another True Self student, Paula Hein shared, “My path to creating an authentic life began in my 20s. I have read so many books, gleaming beautiful concepts and filling my mind with content on self awakening but not intrinsically knowing how to put those concepts into practical day to day practice. Going through the 90 day journey with Linda showed me how to take those concepts and incorporate them into real living. This is where it is at! I am grateful I chose to invest in myself with this journey. No matter what life brings me, I know how to restore peace and create joy in my life at any moment. Thank you Linda.”

The Olla Terve Healing Arts website has full details about this online Journey to Craft Your True Self Blueprint. Interested parties can register on the website at:

Release ID: 89005191