Palm Beach Gardens Roofing Experts Increase 2021 Numbers More Than 250%

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The Palm Beach Gardens Roofing Experts have experienced impressive growth in 2021 due to increased online marketing and word-of-mouth marketing.

The Palm Beach Gardens Roofing Experts report an impressive year-end finish with an increase of more than 250% in revenue compared to 2020! The covid epidemic that began in 2020 brought a myriad of obstacles for the roofing industry of southern Florida. However, the Palm Beach Gardens Roofing Experts were able to not only weather the storm but come out on the other side in a strong position. The combination of successful online advertising campaigns and word of mouth has profoundly affected the businesses’ growth.

One of the major early moves made in 2020 by the Palm Beach Gardens Roofing Experts was to engage more with the online community. With a new website launch and numerous campaigns in Google and Facebook, their visibility increased significantly. Great work was performed naturally led to more referrals, which helped the company rocket its year-end revenue numbers.

In addition to marketing and word-of-mouth, the Palm Beach Gardens Roofing Experts benefited greatly from the enormous surge of new residents moving to Florida. For many reasons, there has been a migration south to Florida, the one drawback being hurricanes. Florida’s reputation for hurricanes is widespread, so naturally, these new Floridians want to ensure they have a solid roof overhead. This led to far more roof repairs and roof replacements during 2021.

The obstacles that lingered during 2021 from the initial covid pandemic of 2020 were the rising cost of goods and shortages. There have been severe shortages of the foam used for tile roofing and the actual tile. These shortages have led to increased pricing for virtually all the materials needed to fix and replace roofs. Fortunately for the Palm Beach Gardens Roofing Experts, they have made vital relationships with manufacturers and distributors that can deliver tile in a timely fashion. Therefore vastly helps to decrease the number of delays on new tile roof replacement projects.

Jon, a representative of the Palm Beach Gardens Roofing Experts, had this to say, “Sure, 2020 was rough, but we were proactive in our approach to getting back on track. We learned quickly that having a presence online is necessary and helped spur word-of-mouth referrals. Then came the rush of people moving to Florida that came out of the left field. Nonetheless, we are very grateful and feel optimistic as we move into 2022.”

Contact the Palm Beach Gardens Roofing Experts for all roofing needs, residential or commercial, for homeowners living in Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, or the surrounding areas. There are free estimates and proposals offered for all potential projects.

Release ID: 89057677