Overcome Video Game Addiction Self Hypnosis Dr Steve Jones Program Launched

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A new self-hypnosis program has been launched to help people overcome video game addiction. It is run by Dr Steve G Jones and can help patients to use their time for other, more productive tasks.

A new video game addiction hypnosis program has been launched by Dr Steve G Jones, helping people to break free from their addiction to video games. It covers key techniques for breaking free from computer games and putting and end to gaming addiction for good.

More information can be found at: https://gamingaddictionhq.com

With his newly launched program Dr Jones explains that addiction means craving something intensely, and to the brain this means registering pleasure when certain needs are fulfilled.

With video game addiction, the brain released dopamine when the addicted player is enjoying a game. Addictions have the power to release dopamine in the brain consistently, reliably and quickly.

Players can know whether or not they are addicted to playing video games if they find that they’re intensely crafting a gaming session. This is a form of losing control, and Dr Jones points out that it’s a sign of addiction.

While those who are addicted might feel as though it’s impossible to break free, with the right approach it is possible. Usually, addictions begin with triggers, and gaming cam be a way for players to escape.

Dr Jones explains that addicts need to tackle their problems instead of running away from them. In addition to this, they need to take their mind off playing video games.

One method for doing this is to do something productive instead. This can help to take the mind off gaming and the cravings can be translated into something worthwhile.

For those who are struggling with gaming addiction, Dr Jones has created a program that can help. He is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist, and offer self-hypnosis tracks to speak directly to the subconscious mind.

He states: “If you’re struggling to overcome gaming addiction, then self-hypnosis may provide the answer that you need in order to curb those subconscious cravings and to make your mind desire more beneficial habits instead.”

Full details on the program can be found on the URL above.

Release ID: 88930191