Online Bibliotherapy for Book Lovers & Avid Readers. Starts 1 November 2020

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Book Therapy is proud to launch online bibliotherapy sessions starting 1 November 2020. For more information visit:

Book lovers, avid readers and anyone with an interest in the therapeutic healing quality of literature will soon be able to book an online bibliotherapy session offered by Book Therapy. Today Bijal Shah, founder, book curator and bibliotherapist at Book Therapy provides more detail of the how the new bibliotherapy service will work.

Affordable and great value for book lovers – the sessions are designed as a 45-minute bibliotherapy consultation examining your reading life including reading habits, goals, interests and personal needs. The price of the session includes unlimited email or text support for two weeks following the session. Clients will be introduced to books that explore feelings they’ve never quite understood before – or books that bring new meaning, hope, perspective on an existing situation – or simply books that focus on a niche that they’ve been hoping to explore for a while but never had the time.

Upon purchase, you’ll receive an email to schedule a mutually convenient time for the session. These can be in-person or online over Skype/Zoom depending on your location and/or preference. Often we lead hectic lives and finding time to fit therapy in can be a real juggle. Online sessions that are offered at a mutually convenient time eases the pressure on the client and allows them to schedule a session that works for them, leading to better treatment outcomes overall..

Unlimited email support provided for 2 weeks post the session, plus a 7-10 page personalised report summarising the literature prescribed, is sent to the client. This ensures that the client is not left in the dark after a session. It gives them a chance to re-connect with themselves over literature and also process what came up for them in the session and after the session. This truly meets clients’ therapeutic needs, both within the session and after the session, giving them the space and time to explore the literature, complete any prescribed therapeutic exercises, reflect and process their own thoughts and feelings, leading to cathartic release and new insights at the end of the whole process.

When asked about the bibliotherapy sessions, Bijal explained, “Bibliotherapy sessions offer an opportunity to discover the life-changing magic of books. Books, stories, literature connect us to others. They help us connect the dots in our own stories and ultimately hold mirrors up so that we can truly see ourselves and be understood.”

This is the latest literary offering from Book Therapy and Bijal is particularly excited about this launch because Book Therapy is finally pioneering bibliotherapy into mainstream culture, a powerful therapeutic intervention, that has previously remained untapped. Bibliotherapy is an emerging therapy that is affordable, accessible and effective and Book Therapy is bringing this to the forefront with its worldwide clientele that up to now comprises mainly millennials. It’s finally putting bibliotherapy on the map and booklovers, avid readers and anyone with an interest in the therapeutic qualities of literature will be instantly drawn to it.

Those interested in learning more about Book Therapy and their Bibliotherapy Sessions can find out more on the Book Therapy website at

Release ID: 88983216