-- The goal of the new A.L.I.V.E. course is to give students enough information to survive an active shooter scenario. Guided by the acronym, they learn how to Assess the event, Leave when possible, Impede the attacker, prevent further Violence, and Expose the crime to law enforcement.
More details can be found at https://training.activeshootersurvivaltraining.com
The new two-hour course is taught by Michael Julian, the creator of the A.L.I.V.E. Active Shooter Survival Training Program. Having worked in law enforcement for decades, he understands the panic that can set in during a crisis. He explains that despite what is shown in movies, being confronted by a terrorist is a traumatizing event that affects a person’s ability to react responsibly.
He created A.L.I.V.E. to teach students real-life strategies they should use when faced with an active shooter. The main lesson is to minimize risk by taking every opportunity to escape and call the police. He reminds students that as civilians, their job is not to engage the shooter as this may cause more harm than good.
Previously, the program was taught either in three hours, which was the comprehensive class, or one hour, for those who just wanted a crash course on the subject. Due to popular demand, Julian created a two-hour program which is a fast-paced version of the comprehensive course. After taking any of the three courses, graduates can enroll in a 20-minute refresher course in the future.
All classes are taught online so that anyone around the world can learn how to save their life.
Experts have noted that the number of mass shootings in the United States has risen. They have observed that despite the current health crisis, more aggravated assault crimes are committed each day. According to the Gun Violence Archive, there were hundreds of mass shootings in 2021.
A satisfied client wrote, “The A.L.I.V.E. training is the best training I’ve ever had. It takes you step by step through some very difficult and disturbing situations, but breaks them down into important lessons.”
Interested parties can find more information by visiting https://training.activeshootersurvivaltraining.com
Release ID: 89060400