NTM Publishes New Article on the Top 13 Vitamin D-Rich Foods

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Nature's True Medicine has published its latest article discussing the top 13 foods with vitamin d3, which is aimed primarily at fitness enthusiasts, paleo dieters, and those interested in adding sources of D3 to their daily diet.


Nature’s True Medicine has published a new article entitled “Top 13 Foods Highest in Vitamin D3”, which sheds light on the most important aspects of what foods can help to improve vitamin d levels if added to a diet. It’s specifically written for fitness enthusiasts, paleo dieters, and anyone interested in eating healthy foods on a consistent basis to help maintain healthy levels of vitamin d. People who are are serious about their health and enjoy the benefits of a lifestyle that pays attention the foods they put in their bodies, and other interested individuals can view the full article here; Top 13 Foods Highest in Vitamin D3.

The article includes several interesting facts about the types of foods that contain vitamin d and how much iu they offer. For example, the article shows different types of foods that contain vitamin d, such as mackerel, wild salmon, and caviar.

One of the most important pieces of information the article tries to convey and communicate is that most people may not realize that getting vitamin d3 from their diet is more challenging that one would expect. Many foods contain very little iu of vitamin d3 and can be difficult to find in the average daily diet. The best example of this is perhaps found in the following extract:

‘The Recommended Daily Intake of D3 is 600 IUs, but those who don’t live at the tropics need about 1,000 IUs. Unfortunately, many of us also rarely expose our skin to sunlight wherever in the world we may live, but dietary replacements can help. ‘

In discussing the article’s creation, Richard Mendez, a representative at Nature’s True Medicine, said:

“We recently published an article revealing the Top 13 Foods Highest in Vitamin D3 to help people add D3 to their daily diets. Through market research, we found that the number one concern is vitamin d deficiency. We wanted to publish an article to help those who are deficient find little ways to start incorporating more D3 into their lives immediately.”

Regular readers of Nature’s True Medicine will notice the article takes a familiar tone, which has been described as ‘relevant and informative ‘.

Nature’s True Medicine now welcomes comments and questions from readers, in relation to the article, as they are intent on interacting with people and discovering how they get their daily dose of vitamin d3. The reason is simply because it will help Nature’s True Medicine find a better understanding of how people add vitamin d to their diet and what their favorite source of D3 is.

Release ID: 91619