New Treatment Service for Sleep Apnoea, Tonsillitis and Glue Ear in Children

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Sleep apnoea and glue ear causing major issues for children in the UK, new service set to stop this! More info:

It’s more than common now for a child to develop tonsillitis sometime in their life, not only that it also causes problems for many adults. One of the more common symptoms that you may notice in your child is a sore throat, however other symptoms such as high fever and breathing problems may also accompany it. It’s highly recommended to get it seen to as soon as you possibly can if any of these symptoms present themselves.

One of the more pressing issues is the NHS, as wonderful as it actually is, the funding has been dramatically decreased. This means that you’re likely to be waiting much longer for an appointment to be seen by a specialist. This is where San Sunkaraneni, the owner of Guildford ENT’s new service comes in handy, offering children’s ENT services to the public.

The new service is specifically in place to help calm the worrying minds of parents. If you find your child has developed tonsillitis then there is a simple and safe procedure that can be done in which the tonsils are removed. It’s a common misconception among parents that removing the tonsils will affect the development of immunity, however this is not true and there is no actual scientific evidence to support this as in actual fact, there are a lot of lymphoid tissue scattered throughout the entire mouth and throat, along with other parts of the body.

This service doesn’t just cater to tonsillitis, though. It also covers other pressing issues such as glue ear and snoring/sleep apnoea. One of main causes of glue ear is due to the small lumps of tissue known as the adenoids, which Guildford ENTs new service can offer the removal of. One of the main reasons this is now part of the service is due to how this issue can cause hearing loss later in life, this may first come to your attention when your child is struggling with language and speech development at an earlier age.

If your child is presenting signs of snoring and/or sleep apnoea symptoms then the very same adenoids and/or the tonsils may need to be removed – children can be left to suffer in silence if they have this condition due to how it stops the child breathing during normal sleep, even just momentarily followed by suddenly starting to breathe again, this could later in life cause some more serious conditions that will be harder to treat.

When asked about his experiences, San Sunkaraneni said:

“I am a Consultant Rhinologist/ENT surgeon who works at the Guildford Nuffield Hospital and Mount Alvernia Hospital. I provide both an out-patient and in-patient (surgery) service, as well as carrying out local anaesthetic ‘office’ procedures. I provide a regional service for Surrey, London, Sussex and Hampshire and also receives referrals from all over the UK.”

If you’d like to find out more about Guildford ENTs children’s service, you can visit this link:

For more information about other services offered by Guildford ENT you can check here:

Release ID: 88938805