New Travel Chronicles Book By Bhupender Gupta Launched 13th October

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Bhupender Gupta has launched his new book, “Travelogue Across Hemispheres”, available on Amazon for Travelogue readers. More information is available at:

-- A chemical technocrat-turned-travel-aficionado, Bhupender Gupta has released his maiden book describing his travel experiences titled, “Travelogue Across Hemispheres: A Free Ticket for Breathtaking Adventures”. The book went live on 13th October, available through Amazon and is expected to become a big hit with fans of the Travelogue world. The book attempts to prod its readers, particularly the armchair travelers to endeavor to explore the world for themselves, and if not, at least visit the tourist places vicariously. The book is accompanied by colorful pictures clicked by Gupta that complement the narrative.

Further information on the book can be found at:

This is the first book Gupta has authored. As per Gupta, the book was written with the aim in mind to ‘engender happy hormones and a feel-good factor among the readers as they travel along at the turn of every page.’

Travelogue Across Hemispheres: A Free Ticket for Breathtaking Adventures sets its main focus on emboldening people to visit and explore places that may not be yet on their wishlist. And for the readers who can’t visit the tourist spots physically, they will be able to read all about it from the comfort of their homes. Readers will likely find a particular interest in being able to plan their itineraries before visiting these places.

The book’s cover art was designed by an artist belonging to Notion Press, a book publisher in India and Travelogue Across Hemispheres: A Free Ticket for Breathtaking Adventures was released by Notion Press.

Bhupender Gupta has a background of being a chemical technocrat by education and businessman by profession. In addition to this, he also has a fascination to explore the globe, meet people from different cultures and visit tourist attractions. This helped shaped the creation of the book as he felt the need to share the experiences and stories he encountered on his various travels.

When asked about why he wrote the book, Gupta said: “There is a deep desire to make readers live through my experiences and acquaint them with the incredible topography of places where nature’s bounty flows limitlessly.”

Gupta is optimistic that the book will nudge readers to travel across the globe and enjoy the experiences. This positive outlook from the author is certainly testament to his optimism considering some of the mishaps during its creation. At one point he had to rewrite the entire content of his blog articles as the posts seemed not convincingly adaptable for a book format.

In a recent interview, the author made a point of thanking friend and journalist Nitin Saxena, mentor Rahul Badami, and the publisher Notion Press for their part in the creation of the book, saying: “Nitin Saxena helped instill confidence that I could capably pen my experiences and justify them in words.”

Those interested in learning more about the book can visit here:

Release ID: 89049547