New Tax Reduction Book By Acclaimed Tax Expert Launches today

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Tony Hansmann is launching His brand new book, “The Ten Tax Commandments”, available through through Amazon targeted at fans of the Retirement world. More information is available at the website:

Renown Tax Expert Tony Hansmann is launching His brand new book, “The Ten Tax Commandments: Discover the IRS Approved Way to Enjoy a Tax Free Retirement”. The book is set to go live today, available through Amazon and is expected to become a big hit with boomers and seniors.

More information on the book can be found here:

This is the third book Hansmann has authored. The book was written with the aim in mind to educate boomers and seniors on how to plan ahead so they can experience lower taxes and even enjoy a tax free retirement. There’s also particular excitement about this launch because it will unveil a comprehensive list of Tony’s best kept tax reduction strategies.

The Ten Tax Commandments sets its main focus on planning and preparing your tax plan during retirement. Readers will likely find a particular interest in the parts of the book that explain exactly how income is taxed during retirement and how proper planning can reduce taxation in retirement by $100,000 or more.

Tony Hansmann has a background in financial planning and provides training and consulting to the financial services industry. This helped shaped the creation of the book by introducing the author to the complex retirement tax system.

When asked about why they wrote the book, Hansmann said: “Thousands of Americans retire everyday, but many of them do not realize how heavy the tax burden on their retirement accounts can be. After having personally met hundreds of retirees who are paying way more in taxes than they should be, I decided to write this book. Many boomers and seniors don’t realize that their Social Security could be unnecessarily taxed and that the money in their IRAs and 401ks are being excessively taxed. The problem is Accountants and Financial Planners are not being proactive to help families legally reduce their taxes. I wanted to cut through the complex tax code and help people save hundreds of thousands of dollars during retirement by using proactive tax planning. Once you read this book, you will begin to have a new outlook on the IRS and their gracious tax benefits.”

Hansmann has hopes that the book will inspire millions of retirees to be proactive about their tax planning.

Those interested in learning more about the book can visit here:

Release ID: 480041